Chapter 20: Rough change

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"CRAP!!!!!! ANNIKA!!!!!!" I heard Joe scream from downstairs. I ran down to see what happened.

"What happened!?" I yelled running down the stairs. There was no reply to that, just Joe's screams. When I got down to him he was hunched over holding his hand. There was blood on the floor. 

"Joe! What happened?" I gasped. He showed me his hand. He must've been hammering the table and hammered his hand. Pretty badly. 

"I hit my hand with......ugh........the hammer." He stuttered. 

"Lets get this cleaned up." I walked him to the sink and put his hand under the faucet.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" He screamed but he soon stopped as the pain stopped. I took his hand out from the faucet and it kept gushing blood. 

"Keep your hand under. I'll be right back. I ran to the bathroom and found a towel. I ran back down stairs and wrapped his hand in the towel. 

"We need to get the hospital." I explained. Joe nodded and we got in the car. I drove to the hospital and we speed walked in.

"Hello. I need to get a doctor to check out this patient." I said. 

"Of course. Right away, Just fill this out and sit down we will be with you very quick." The lady said. Filled out the form and a doctor came. 

"Joe?" He called.We both stood up and walked to him.

"Wow. Thats one mighty cut." The doctor said once we entered the room. "How did it happen?"

Joe wasn't answering so I did.

"He was putting together our table and hammered his hand,"

"Right, so, we need to clean this up, give some stitches and also a cortizone shot." The doctor said.

"Alright." Joe shortly replied.

"I'll be right back." The doctor left and soon he as well as a nurse came over with stitches and a very large needle. 

"Ok. So this is nurse Emmy, she is going to do your stitches as well as shot. I will be supervising." We both nodded and Nurse Emmy came over to Joe.

"Hello Joe. We are first going to give you a numbing shot in the palm of your hand and then we will stitch up. But you need to stay super still." Joe nooded and layed as still as possible. The needle poked and Joe tensed up.

"Owww!!!!" Joe yelled. 

"Its alright. Just stay still. Its almost done.......ok." The lady took the shot out. 

"I cant feel the pain anymore." Joe stated. 

"Yes.....but I do have to tell you this is going to wear off. We also need to give you another shot to help with the infections you could get from the hammer." The lady said.

"Alright.....lets just do this quick." The lady started stitching and pretty soon Joe was finished and had a cast on his hand. 

"Now we need to do the cortizone shot. This is going to sting a bit so be ready. Make sure you arent tensed." The lady injected the needle into Joe's arm and Joe squinted his eyes. Then he opened them again when Emmy was done. 

"Perfect. Great job Emmy." The doctor said. We were free to go! We got in the car and Joe really didnt say anything until we arrived back home.

"Guess I wont be finishing the table." Joe joked. I let a laugh escape my lips. 

"Dont worry about it. We have plenty of time to finish it." I asserted. Joe wasnt smiling anymore.

"I just wanted this to be the perfect move. I guess I ruined that."

"No you did not! I get to spend the rest of the week, month, year and life with you." 

"This is why I love you so much. You like to joke around but you get serious when needed." 

"I think we just said our wedding vows." We both burst out laughing. We went to the bedroom to get some rest. I laid down next to Joe who had his arm elevated on a pillow. I kissed his cheek.

"Night Joe." I whispered as Joe mumbeled something while being half a sleep. I smiled to myself since I have been so lucky to be in the relationship with Joe. 

The next morning I woke up early and decided to try to put the table together. I tried to be quiet and careful as I hammered the nails into the table. Soon enough I had completed the table and had to flip it over. Just as I was about to do that Joe came down. 

"What are you doing!?" He questioned. He seemed worried.

"I finished the table!" I proudly stated. 

"Yeah but you could have injured yourself." 

"Joe, Im not injured now, am i?"

"No. But you could be."

"Its ok."

"I just dont want you to break a hand or something like me."

"Hah...dont worry." I hugged him. I then placed the table where I wanted it in the dining room. I really did love this apartment even if it is a little big for the 2 of us. 

Later that week Joe got his cast off and he got his stitiches off. We were now able to continue decorating the house more. We finished the upstairs first, than the main level and finally downstairs. Downstairs we had   2 office's for us to do our editing and uploading for Youtube videos. Since it was almost christmas time I decorated the upstairs somewhat christmassy. Joe thought it was too soon but I thought it was a great idea!

As I was decorating my phone rang. The caller ID said MOM

"Hello?" I questioned into the phone.

"Annika? Its mom." She said.


"I just want to appologize. Jack and Finn talked to me and told me how rude I was being to you. My daughter! I need to treat you better."

"Thank you." 

"Your welcome. And I may not have acted very kind when you said that you and Joe are getting married and that you live together now but I am actually very proud of you. You have become a beautiful, strong, women. I am very proud of you."

"Thank you mom. It means a lot."

"And if you dont mind, I would love to come over."

"Of course! Tomorrow?"


"I'll text you the adress."

"Alright. Love you sweetie."

"I love you too mom. Bye."

"Bye." Wow. She atually appologize. But now I need to get the apartment ready for company tomorrow.



Another chapter: DONE!!!!

I got my preordered One Direction FOUR album today! ITS AMAZING!!!!! I ordered the dulux album so I even got a behind the photo shoot video!!!!! ITS SO GOODDDDDDDD!!!!!! :)

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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