Chapter 16: Caring for a Sugg

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Me and Zoe waited for someone to answer the door. Pretty soon Caspar answered. 

"Hey!" He said giving us both hugs. We walked inside.

"Just came to check on Joe." Zoe said.

"And you Annika?" Caspar replied.

"Uhhhh.....I live here...."  I exclaimed,

"Right! Well, Joe's been in the bathroom just sitting on the floor so go ahead if you want."

"I'll go up first." I said. Zoe nodded. I walked downstairs to Joe's room where the bathroom is.

"Joe?" I called.

"In here." He replied. He didnt sound to good. I walked in to see him sprawled out on the bathroom floor.

"Joe! Are you ok? Whats wrong?" I questioned.

"I have food poisoning. Sorry to break it to you but could you leave for a minute or two? Im about to get sick....out of both ends." He chuckled. I left the room. He looked so miserable and pale. I felt bad. 

I could here him trowing up. I walked upstairs and told Zoe that he wasnt in good shape. 


Im so miserable right now. I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and after Annika left I threw up and also uh......dont wanna gross you out but had a bit of diareah. I kept getting sick out of both ends the whole morning and thats when I went to the doctors. They told me I had food poising. I was told that I need to stay home for a while and that it should last about 5 days. I feel bad because Annika just moved in and now she has to wait until I feel better to do anything. I just dont want her to feel like she has so stay home and nurse me.

"Annika!" I called when I felt better after doing my buisness. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth as I waited for her. I hate how your mouth tastes after throwing up so I have been brushing my teeth after everytime I throw up.

"Yeah?" Annika said opening the door.

"I just need your company."

"Zoe's here too." 

"Oh. She can come say hello if she wants." 

"Zoe!" Annika called. I could her Zoe coming down.

"Hey Joe. You alright?" Zoe asked me.

"I've had better days. So you just wanted to stop by?"

"Well, I had to drop Annika off so I thought I would say a quick hello but I actually have an interview in a half an hour so I need to get going. But feel better. Annika, take good care of him." 

"Alright...thanks for stopping by Zo." I said.

"I will!" Annika said smiling. Zoe left. Now it was just me, Caspar, and Annika. 

"So, I'm going to be like this for like 5 days. I dont want you to think you need to nurse me." I told Annika.

"Dont worry about it. I was planning on staying home anyway." She replied. I smiled at her and we just sat there. On the bathroom floor. 

"I think you should leave about to do everything all over again." I said holding my mouth and getting ready to sit on the toilet. Annika nodded quickly and left she shut the door and went to her room I'm guessing. This is going to be along 5 days.


Joe has been getting sick every 10 minutes. I feel like he's getting sicker but I also know he just needs to let it all out. 

I was just sitting on my bed thinking about what I will make for dinner for Joe. I thought maybe some chicken soup. Or maybe just some broth. I needed to ask him. I heard the toilet flush so went to his room he was sitting on his bed now. I sat next to him.

"Do you want some chicken soup or some  broth?" I asked rubbing his back.

"Broth would be great." He said looking up at me. I gave him a simpathetic smile. 

"Alright. Just rest." I stood up to leave but Joe stopped me.

"Annika. I need to make a video today for my viewers. Its Sugg Sunday and I promise them a Sugg Sunday Special every week." He told me.

"Joe, you obviously cant make a video being this sick."

"I know. Maybe I'll make a really short vlog style video and tell them whats going on."

"At the end its your channel." I said leaving the room.


I grabbed my camera off my nightstand and stayed in bed.

"Hello everyone. So, I know this is not a normal video since I am doing in vlog style. But I promise you a video so I thought I would make it really short. I am very ill with food poisoning and have been spending most of my day in here." I turned the camera so it was facing the bathroom. The floor currently in a good set up with blankets and pillows and a power strip to charge all my electronics. 

"So as you can see Im very sick and unable to make a normal video. I really hope you understand but I will probably be like this for another 5 days. But dont worry next week will be better. So come back next week for another Sugg Sunday Special. Bye." I turned the camera off then rushed to the bathroom. I ended up trowing up only this time. When I finished I wipped my mouth, flushed the toilet, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. Then I sat back down and waited for my soup to be ready. I am so sick and I hate it so much!



Theres another chapter! I know its really short but I was having writers block and couldnt think of anything to write so Joe being sick came in to mind since he was just recently sick.

Also......have you seen Joe's new video that came out today? He pranks caspar again along with Ollie White so you have to go see it. I was laughing so hard.

Joe also posted a vlog of how he created the prank so check that out after you watch the original video. 

Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter!

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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