Chapter 9: Maybe

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I went home that night with Caspar and fell asleep with my clothes that smelt of alclohal. When I woke up my phone was ringing which gave me a massive head ache from my hangover. It was Zoe.

"Zoe?" I said.

"Joe! You are a disgrace!" She yelled.

"Quiet down! I have a massive head ache." 

"I dont care! You keep hurting Annika!" 


"Yeah! She wanted to go out last night only to come home because she saw you kissing another girl!" Crap. I remember. Jess..she was really hot. 

"You told me to move on!"

"Not like that! I meant stop pestering her to date you! Dont go kissing another girl!"

"You should of said that! I still love Annika but I also love Jess!"

"You met Jess at a club while you were drunk Joe! You dont love her! You need to come and explain to Annika! NOW!"

"Ok! I need to take some advil. I have a headache and a stomach ache."

"Then dont drink so much!"

"It was a club Zoe!"

"I dont care!" She hung up. I tossed my phone to the side and I rubbed my head. I was sick right now. I got up to get showered since I smelt of alchlohol and smoke some of my buddies, including Caspar, decided to go for a smoke last night....I did not even though I have before. 

When I got up I had a massive stomach ache, I ran to the toilet and threw up. It was desgusting. I wipped my mouth. Caspar came in to see me.

"Alright mate?" Caspar said his voice very raspy from sleep and also from the amount of achlohol he consumed and how much he smoked different things.......

"No.....I have to go to explain everthing to Annika." I said.

"Then go."

"How do I say I made out with another girl!" 

"Say you were drunk and probably high.....she'll understand!"

"I didn't smoke like you did." 

"Yeah you did." He showed me a picture of him and I.

"Oh....." I looked away and got ready to got there. I washed my body and hair and got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and went to my room. I decided to wear a white dress shirt unbuttoned on top and a wore black jeans. I put some gel in my hair and I was ready to go. I grabbed my keys and got in the car. 

When I pulled up to Annika's house I rang the doorbell. Her mom was there.

"Hello Jade! Its been a long time." I awkwardly said. 

"It has....." She said. 

"Ummmm.......Im here to see Annika actually." 

"Thought so....shes upstairs. I dont want to make you uncomfortable or anything but if you ever hurt my daughter more than you already had you wont be able to see her ever again." 

"I wont....Im trying to fix things right now. I made a huge mistake and I was so dumb for what I did." 

"I know. She is upstairs then." I walked up stairs and I saw a closed bedroom door. I knocked. 

"Yeah?" I heard Annikas sweet voice I have missed. I walked in and she was sitting in her bed. 

"Hey." I said. She was just staring at me.

"What?" She asked.

"I...uh.....we need to talk."

"Ok...." I was surprised by her answer. 

"Ok...Can I-I sit down?" 

"Sure." She pointed to a butterfly chair. I sat down and we sat there.

"So....I need to say.....I am so very sorry of anything you saw. I was out of it and got the wrong memo of what Zoe told me." I broke the silence.

"What did Zoe tell you?" She asked.

"She said that I should move on. I thought she meant that I should find another girl but she actually meant that I should stop pressuring you to give me another chance. I totally agree with Zoe's real reasoning. I really love you Annika." 


"Listen.....I need to tell you. I love so much. I would do anything."

"Well, last night you seemed pretty fine with out me." 

"No.....I wasnt. I was in pain last night. I went really really drunk then I got high and I regret it because I made stupid decisions."

"You got high?" 

"I didnt think I did but apparently I did. Caspar showed me a picture.....I was so drunk......I got drunk because it took the pain away from not having you. What I did last night was what I did in my teen years when I was stupid and I am still stupid because I make terrible decisions."

"I feel like I cant trust you. Right when I feel like I can trust you, you go out and make out with some girl who you met at a club! Do you still have her number?" 

"No! Of course not....I threw it away because I knew the decision I made was a terrible one. Believe me. I love you to much!" 

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course! I wont do anything to hurt you any farther than I have." 

"If I give you another chance we need to start all over again. We cant start from where we left off because I still dont trust you as much yet. I need you to promise me that you wont go off and kissing other girls at clubs or parties. I do still love you and I always will but when you hurt me.....I just cant get you off my mind.  I feel like you dont care for me anymore."

"I will always love and care for you. If one day something happens where you dont love me anymore and you dont want to be with me I will still love and care for you. I need you to understand that. I love you so much no matter what."

"I know. I went through so much pain in my past that I cant go through that again."

"I went through so many things in my past to."

"I dont think you know much about my past?"

"I dont. And you dont know much about mine either. I think we need to learn more of that first."



There was another chapter!!!! Hope you enjoyed!! :)

~Stay classy and watch Youtube~

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