Chapter 18: Another great day

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Me Annika have been together for 3 years now. I think its great that we have gotten on so well and lasted. We went apartment hunting yesterday and atually bought an apartment but I never got to do anything special with her. I had a great idea.

"Annika! Im going out! Be back soon!" I yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Alright! Have fun!" She yelled back. I smiled at myself and I grabbed my keys. I got in my car and drove to my destination. I was so excited about what I was about to do. I hope Annika will accept my gift.

When I arrived at Shane Company, the jewlers, I saw a lady waiting for a customer. I walked over there.

"Hello! How can I help you today sir?" She greeted me.

"I was actually hoping to find a ring today." I replied. Yup, thats right. I was planning on proposing to Annika today.

"Alright! Why dont you come on down here and we can get looking. Oh! Im so rude, my name is Arizona." 

"Thats a very unique name! Im Joe." She just smiled at me and we made out way to the ring section. I wanted to buy a beautiful ring. But when I got there I realized how expenisive a really nice ring is. Its a ton of money. 

"Alright Joe. We have many selections of rings here. Whats the size your looking for?" She asked.

"Uhhhh......size 6?" I reply.

"Ok! These are rings that a premade to size 6 but we can defiantly fix any ring you want to a 6. Its just going to be an extra cost." I nodded. I was concentating hard about what ring I wanted to get Annika.

Finally, about and hour and a half later I had the ring in a small black box. The ring had diamond in the center. It had to bands with diamonds too. I thought it was beautiful and I thought it she was really going to like it. I already had the whole engagement planned out.

When I got home I could here Annika down stairs in her room. 

"Annika! Im home!" I called for her.

"Im just coming up!" And with in a matter of seconds she was up. 

"Im going to go take a walk around London. Care to come with?" I was really hoping she would say yes.

"Sure! Im just going to change since its a bit chilly out  today." She ran down stairs. I was already wearing my black skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt so I was good. 

When Annika came back up she was wearing blue skinny jeans, a white sweater with a black scarf. She was also wearing black boots. 

"Wow. I may need to change because you look so nice!" I complimented.

"Stop it. You look fine! I mean we are just walking around." She confessed.

"Yeah....but you look really good."

"Lets just go." I laughed and held her hand and with my free had I stuck it in my pocket holding the ring box afraid I was going to loose it. 

We walked around London popping in and out of shops. I took her over to the London Eye and we sat on a bench together. I had a piece of paper that had different activities to do in London and Annika and I were looking over it. This was all part of my plan. The wind started picking up a little so I let go of the paper.

"Oh crap......" I tried to sound upset. 

"Dont worry!" Annika said. She stood up and ran to the paper. This was my time. I took the box out and got down on one knee. Annika was looking at the paper walking back. She didnt even notice I was on a knee.

"Its says here that we could go see a show do-----Oh my god......" She squealed when she saw me. 

"Annika, would you do the honor and marry me?" I asked.

"Of-of-of course...!" She cried. She ran to me. She hugged and kissed me. People around us were clapping and cheering. 

"I love you so much Annika." I said.

"I love you too Joe." She replied staring into my eyes. I was staring back. 

After our eventful afternoon we headed back to the apartment to get our boxes packed for moving. Annika went own stairs so I used this time to talk to Caspar and tell him about how I proposed to Annika.

"Caspar, I need to talk to you." I said. Caspar was currently sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Alright. Whats up mate?" He asked as I sat across from him.

"So, I took Annika out today and I-I-I proposed."

"You what?"

"I proposed." 

"Why didnt you tell me sooner!? Thats great!" 

"I dont know.....maybe because you cant keep your mouth shut about anything!" I replied sarcastically.

"I would keep that a secret! Im so happy for you!"

"Thanks. Now I need to get packing for the big move." I stood up and I could tell Caspar wasnt very excited when I said I needed to pack. He really didnt want us to move but its the best for mine and Annika's relationship, especially now that we are engaged. I went to my room and started packing all my belongings into boxes. I made sure to label each and everyone so it would be easier to unpack when we arrived. 

About 2 hours later I had finished all my packing. My room was only filled with boxes. I sealed them al but one which had some of my clothes in which I would need tomorrow. I looked at my empty room. I was really going to miss this room and house but I knew I was going to love to new apartment too. 

Im really glad that Annika said yes to marrying me. I was also very happy that my plan worked out with letting go of the paper. If the wind wouldnt have blown it and if Annika didnt get up then my plan would have been a complete fail.



Happy Frantastic Monday!!!!!!

Theres another chapter!!! :) :) I was so excited to write that one!!!! WHOS HAPPY THAT ANNIKA AND JOE GOT ENGAGED???? I AM!!!

Lets offically ship Annika and Joe......I thing Jannika is our best bet...... :) 

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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