Chapter 29: Boy or Girl? LAST CHAPTER :(

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Im due to have my baby today. It wont happen today but soon. I have been having terrible stomach pains so I know the baby is close. We have our hospital bags packed. Our plan is, when we are about to have the baby, we throw or bags in the car and get Grace in the car. We will drive to the hospital and call family. Then they will come and watch Grace as I have the baby.

Grace is very excited about having a new sibling. We asked the doctors not to tell us what the gender of the baby is. We want to be surprised when we have it. I was very excited for this. I wanted to know the gender. I wanted to pick out clothes. I wanted to name it. I wanted to do all the fun things I did when I had Grace. As I was thinking of all this I had been sitting eating dinner. I forgot that I was sitting there so I was pretty much just staring out in the open.

"You ok Annika?" Joe asked concerned.

"What? Yeah....yeah....Im fine." I smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just day dreaming."

"Ok...." I started eating and watched as Grace ate her vegetables and tiny cut up grilled chicken. She was getting so big! It was so weird to watch her grow up because she was looking so much like Joe. She was an adorable little girl.

Later that night after I put Grace down, Joe and I were making sure all the bags were ready. After we did that we got into bed and I started sleeping. But I woke up. I felt like I had just fallen asleep but when I looked at the clock it was 1 in the morning. My stomach was killing me. Then I felt the pain and knew I was going to have my baby.

"Joe. Joe." I shook him. I started standing up.

"What? Is it time?" Joe asked standing up. I nodded holding my stomach. Joe grabbed the bag and ran to Grace's room. He picked her up and we rushed the car. Grace was still sleeping. We drove to the hospital. When we arrived we got a wheel chair and a doctor wheeled me back. Finn had already arrived at the hospital and we gave Grace to him. Then we went back and Joe held my had. I was in so much pain right now.

We got to a large room. I layed down on the bed and the doctor put and IV in my arm. Then I had to get a shot and another doctor came in. I was about to have my baby. I was about to have MY baby!!! This is so exciting! Grace was going to have a little brother or sister!

At 3:00 AM I had my baby. It was a little boy. I named him Sawyer Jon. The name just fit together. Sawyer Jon Sugg. It was perfect. Sawyer was so cute! He was born with blonde hair and green eyes. Joe held him and instantly fell in love with his new son. Grace sat down a just was staring at her new brother. It was a beautiful sight. Joe was smiling, I was smiling, Grace was smiling. We were one big, happy, smiling family. 

About a week later we were able to go home. Joe had put Grace's bed in a different bedroom and we kept the room she was in as the nursery. We even got grace a new bed. It was a plastic kid bed that had gates on the side so she couldnt fall off. Everything worked out perfectly. Jack and Ella even came over from Australia to visist. Finn came over and Zoe and Alfie and Marcus and Niomi and Caspar and Jordyn. It was amazing. I know that my parents are looking down at me from heaven. I know their proud of me. I know their proud of Jack and Finn and what they became. Jack and Finn have became great short film makers. Their gaining more subscribers on Youtube. Their going to amazing events and award shows. 

Once everyone left our house we had Grace and Sawyer go to bed. Joe and I were both exhausted so we laid on the couch and watched a little movie before bed. I knew that I was going to fall asleep on the couch but  I wanted to spend time with Joe. 

"Im so happy that we have two kids now." Joe admitted kissing the top of my head.

"I am too. Grace needed a little brother or sister to play with." I replied yawning.

"If you weren't pregnant were you going to want another kid?"

"Of course! I always wanted at least two kids. I needed Grace to have someone that she could play with." 

"But just think......Sawyer and Grace are really only a year apart."

"Thats a good thing! They will be close in age so they will always be at the same school."

"Except for one year. Grace will start first then Sawyer will follow behind her."

"Yup.....Im so tired."

"You should be! Its a lot of work having a baby."

"You didnt have the baby so you wouldnt know."

"Your right. But I have a good guess of what its like. I mean I was in the room while you were having the baby."

"Yeah..." I started yawing again. Joe played with my hair. I started closing my eyes. I knew if I didnt sleep now I wasnt going to be able to sleep. I had the experience with Grace where she was up all night crying and screaming and that made me stay up all night with her. Joe also would stay up with her. All babies do that and Sawyer will too, so I have to be aware of that and sleep when I can otherwise its never going to happen. 

I drifted off to sleep. I was so glad that I have a wonderful family and amazing friends. Im so happy that I moved to Bath even though I didnt want to. Im so grateful that Joe liked me. Im so happy we are married and have amazing, beautiful children. Im loving life. 



Here is the last authors note.... :(      I loved writing this story. It was one that I wanted to write for ages and it finally happened! At this point.....I have 217 reads! Thats my highets amount of reads on here and my other account lsnyder33  IM SO HAPPY!!! Thank you all for reading.......I hope you enjoyed! :)  Get ready for anoter story coming out! :) 

And for one last time.......

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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