Clash of the Cartoons

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ZAP!!! Boom Sonic appears in the heart of Robotropolis. He stands and takes a look around. Everything is dismal and industrial and so NOT the island. He zooms around looking for Team Sonic.

Boom Sonic: Tails! (zoom) Knuckles?! (zoom) Amy! (zoom) Sticks?! Ugh, did I get knocked out? Why do I feel like I've just been teleported to another dimension?

A Stealth Orb circles him, looking him up and down.

Boom Sonic: New design on the Spy Bots, huh? It's obviously not very efficient. I'm pretty sure the whole point of spying on someone is for them not to know you're doing it, Eggman.

A patrolling Swatbot marches from around the corner and points it's fist at him.

Boom Sonic: Oh nice, Egg Head, what's this one called? Bowl Head Bot?

Swatbot: Hedgehog, priority one, hedgehog, priority one!

The Swatbot shoots at him. He dodges.

Boom Sonic: Awe, I'm your first priority? That's adorable!

A bunch of Swatbots march out of the crevices, surround and aim. Simultaneously, in his lair. Julian Robotnik observes everything happening on a set of enormous computer screens.

Robotnik: Snively, who is that?

Snively: I believe it's the hedgehog, Sir.

Back with Boom Sonic, he smashes all the bots with a round of Spin Attacks.

Robotnik: Did you see what he just did?! Send all units to Sector 12!

Snivley: All units to Sector 12, attention, all units to Sector 12. Capture the hedgehog!

Meanwhile Sat Sonic and Sally observe the havoc from the edge of Robotropoils.

Sat Sonic: I don't get it Sal, we haven't even started the mission yet. Why do they think we're already in there?

Sally: I'm not sure. Nicole, access the security system in Sector 12.

Nicole: Accessing, Sally.

Nicole displays a hologram of Boom Sonic taking down robots in troves with Spin Attacks and other smooth moves.

Sat Sonic: Who is THAT?!

Sally: I don't know, he looks a lot like YOU!

Sat Sonic: Not as handsome but wow, check out those sweet jumps!

Sally: They're incredible but you heard, Robotnik just released all units after him.

Sat Sonic: Then we gotta help him!

Sally: Sonic, it might be a trap.

Sat Sonic: Do we really have time to worry about that?

Sally: We can't just run right in with all that chaos going on.

Sat Sonic: Sal, what if that's me from the future, here to help us stop RoBUTTnick?

Sally: That's a far fetched theory and I'm not saying it's wrong but...

Sat Sonic: I'm going in!

Sally: Sonic, wait, I'm going with you!

Sat Sonic: Good! Grab a hold Sal, it's jelly and jam time!

In Sector 12, Boom Sonic is fighting an seemingly endless band of Swatbots. He smashes more bots as a bunch of Hover Units show up. One shoots at him and hits. He goes down hard, a little dazed.

Boom Sonic: Jeez, how many of you are there? (ZAP!) Dah! (injured) Arg, didn't expect that. He's fighting a lot nastier than usual.

He's about to get shot again when... the Swatbots turn the other way to see Sat Sonic standing on the ledge of a tower.

Sat Sonic: Yo Swatbots, I'm over here! Come and get me, metal heads!

Robotnik: (over a giant intercom) All units, pursue the hedgehog!

Sally runs to Boom Sonic and helps him up. She leads him to a hiding place while all the bots go after Sat Sonic.

Sally: Follow me!

Boom Sonic: (flirty) Hello, who are you? Ehem, I mean (formal) I don't think we've met, do I know you?

A Swatbot spots them with a bright light.

Swatbot: Hedgehog, priority one!

Boom Sonic: Where to?

Sally: Turn that way!

They turn quickly into a narrow alleyway. Meanwhile all the bots chasing Sat Sonic turn the other way to pursue Boom Sonic and Sally. Sat Sonic zooms around and follows them.

Sat Sonic: Hey butt-bots, you're going the wrong way! What's the matter? You bunch of sissies, I was just warming up!

Robotnik: (blaring over an intercom) Get him, Get him now! GET HIM!

A Stealth Bot flies to Sat Sonic. He grabs it and sticks his face in the lens.

Sat Sonic: Yo RoBUTTnick, bring out all the tricks you want but we're still taking you down!

In Robotnik's lair two screens show both Sonics at once. Robotnik and Snively gasp!

Snively: Two Sonics?!

Robotnik: (ragingly) I want both of them!

Boom Sonic: Just a sec, viscerally-attractive stranger.

Boom Sonic Spin Attacks a Hover Unit, throwing it off, and sending it swirling into a wall. The Hover Unit explodes. When the smoke clears, Swat Bots surround them but Sat Sonic jumps next to him out of nowhere.

Sat Sonic: Smooth moves, fella but you look like you could use a hand!

As they fight side by side, Sally tries to make sense of what's going on.

Sally: Nicole, access the identification of that hedgehog.

Nicole: Accessing, Sally. Subject is Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sally: (gasp) He must be from another dimension!

Suddenly Sat Sonic zooms to her, picks her up and takes off. Boom Sonic zooms next to them as they flee through Robotropolis with an array of bots chasing behind.

Sat Sonic: Sorry Sal but this party is over!

Boom Sonic: There's too many of them! I'm Sonic by the way. And let me guess, so are you?

Sally: Sonic, he's you!

Sat Sonic: Told ya so.

Sally: Shake these guys off and let's head back Knothole, Sonic.

Boom Sonic: I'd love to but I dunno where that is.

Sat Sonic: You got it, Sal! Knothole, here we come! Follow my lead, fella!

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