Short Battle Date

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In the Boom Universe, Shadow shows up at Sonic's shack at 10:15am.

Sonic: You're late. Lame.

Shadow: After yesterday's scrummage, I spent the rest of the day tearing through Eggman's lair and forcing his robots to hack his social media accounts, so as to spare us from complete humiliation.

Sonic: Thanks I guess. Look, I'm meeting my buds at Meh Burger at 10:30 so this is gonna have to be a short battle date. Fifteen minutes tops. Cool?

Shadow: Fifteen minutes? You said this was on my terms!

Sonic: Yeah but you didn't show up on time.

Shadow: Grrr! That's unfair!

Sonic: Ya know, Shadow, If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're not in a hurry to kill me, not today at least.

Shadow: I'm still trying to understand your master plan. That badger girl told me you went to another dimension and that aliens might have eaten part of your brain.

Sonic: And you believed her?

Shadow: She's your friend, isn't she?

Sonic: That doesn't mean I believe every paranoid thing she says.

Shadow: It did sound a little paranoid.

Sonic: Kay. So this doesn't really feel like a fight. You wanna do something else?

Shadow: Like... what? More kissing?

Sonic: What? No! I was thinking you could come to Meh Burger with us if you want. Although they do say, once you go Sonic, you never go back.

Shadow: Who says that?

Sonic: They, the people, I don't know!

Shadow: I don't really like Meh Burger unless Amy's working the fryer.

Sonic: Amy? Work the fryer at Meh Burger? That sounds like an anomaly. Speaking of which, I'm sorry about getting up in your personal space yesterday. That didn't do much to confirm that I actually really respect you, Shadow. You're truly awesome. And I mean that in a warriors lost together in a dystopian world kind of way.

Shadow: You had that dream too?

Sonic: That old cliche, huh? I'm not buying that it was a dream but if you wanna call it a nightmare, I'll play along.

Shadow: It wasn't that bad.

Sonic: Maybe not for you.

Shadow: What's this?

Shadow notices the gold ring on Sonic's wrist.

Sonic: Oh right, that. After you ate it, I kept this. Ya know, cause I was sad, real sad.

Shadow: I don't know, because I woke up when the echidna girl showed up.

Sonic: Kay well, congratulations, you made me cry when you kicked the bucket in the Great Forest. Are we gonna do this or not?

Shadow: Do what? Go to Meh Burger or make out?

Sonic folds his arms.

Sonic: What do you think?

Shadow: I can't tell. You're playing tricks with me, Blue Boy.

Sonic: Look man, you know I don't wanna fight you. I'm just glad you're okay. Again, sorry about the smooching. I thought you were Sally.

Shadow: Oh. Yeah, Sally. She turned out to be a pretty good princess after all. Are you um, okay? You're getting... misty eyed.

Sonic: Sorry bro, but all that valor gave me the feels. That's all.

Shadow: Oh? I mean, oh, well, of course it did.

The gang shows up.

Tails: Hey Sonic, ready to get some eats at Meh Burger?

Knuckles: You gotta try the new worm patties!

Sticks: He's right, they're incredible. And full of protein too!

Sonic: Yeah guys, we were just wrapping this up. Right, Shadow? Cause I beat you, yet again.

Shadow: What? We didn't even... I mean er, we'll meet again, Sonic. Next time, on my terms! Because I refuse to fight you when you can't even show up on time! You unpunctual dead beat!

Sonic: Too bad you're too slow to take me down in fifteen minutes.

Shadow: How dare you! That's it, I'm leaving! (whispers to Sonic) Meet me in an hour in that cave with all the ancient tech.

Sonic: Oh for the love of...

Shadow Chaos Controls away.

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