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The next day, afternoon in Knothole, Boom Sonic somberly lays in the grass by the Power Ring Pond. Tails hovers over him.

Tails: Hi Sonic.

Boom Sonic: Hey Tails.

Tails: You okay? You look kinda down in the dumps.

Boom Sonic: (sigh) Yeah I miss my buds back home.

Tails: Do you have a Tails back home?

Boom Sonic: I do. My best friend.

Tails: I bet he's really cool.

Boom Sonic: He's a genius.

Tails: Wow! I bet he misses you too.

Boom Sonic: I like to think those guys are falling apart without me.

Tails: Why do you like to think something like that?

Boom Sonic: Oh ya know, cause it's good for my ego. Actually, I really hope they're all okay.

Tails: I know something that will cheer you up. Follow me!

Tails flies off, Boom Sonic follows him to a little chili dog stand.

Tails: It's a chili dog stand! We made it for Sonic cause he likes them so much. But since you're Sonic too, then I bet you like chili dogs just as much as he does.

Boom Sonic: Are you kidding? Chili dogs are my favorite!

Tails: I made you some!

Tails serves Boom Sonic a plate of three chili dogs. He scarfs them.

Boom Sonic: Holy cow, these taste great! Way better than the ones at Meh Burger! Thanks Tails, this does make me feel better. Way better! Are there more?

Tails: Haha, yeah I can make you more.

Boom Sonic: Tails and Sonic eating chili dogs on a sunny day, feels just like home... sort of. Ya know, its weird being Sonic number two.

Tails: I'm Tails number two for you, so I know what you mean.

Boom Sonic: You're just Tails, there's only one of you here.

Tails hands Boom Sonic another chili dog. Boom digs in.

Tails: Ya know what I think?

Boom Sonic: What's that, buddy?

Tails: Two like my two Tails. You're Sonic and he's Sonic so that's two times the awesomeness!

Boom Sonic: True. We probably share the same subconsciousness.

Tails: What's that mean?

Boom Sonic: Haha, sorry, I'm used to my Tails knowing more than me. Did that sound heady?

Tails: Kind of.

Boom Sonic: Cool, I'm happy to explain. I meant that me and your Sonic probably share the same thoughts about life when it comes to things that matter.

Tails: Like chili dogs!

Boom Sonic: Perfect example, yes. You get me, Tails.

Tails: Want another one?

Boom Sonic: Are my eyes emerald green and my arms royal blue? Heck yeah, I want another one!

Tails: You got it, Sonic!

Sat Sonic zooms to them as Tails prepares to make another.

Sat Sonic: I smell chili dogs! Pass one my way.

Tails: Um haha, bad news you guys, we're kinda out of chili.

Sat Sonic: What? I stalked up the stand this morning.

Boom Sonic burps.

Boom Sonic: Sorry dude, it's all in my stomach now.

Sat Sonic: So you love a good chili dog too, huh? I'm not surprised, I figured you had good taste. Alright, I'll go get more chili from the food shed. Be back in a Sonic second!

Inside one of the Knothole huts, Sally shows Shadow Uncle Chuck's digital map of Robotropolis.

Sally: I have a theory that speed is what teleported you guys here. I set coordinates to the spots where I suspect you arrived. Here in Sector 12 and here in Sector 2.

Shadow: Tell me something, why hasn't your team harnessed a weapon to defeat that tyrant?

Sally: He's always guarded by bots.

Shadow: Is that it? Or are you afraid to head straight for your goal by any means?

Sally: One of the first things Robotnik did when he took over was dismantle my father's military and roboticize all of our soldiers and police officers.

Bunnie comes in.

Bunnie: Hey ya'll, there's a party happening at the chili dog stand. Sonic and Sonic are seeing who can eat the most chili dogs and Rotor just threw some barbecue on the grill. Ya'll wanna come join?

Sally: That sounds like fun, we'll be there in just a minute, Bunnie.

Bunnie: Okay, Sally girl!

She runs off.

Sally: We could use a little bit of fun after all that's happened. You gonna come to the party?

Shadow: No, I have too much on my mind.

Sally: I understand. Get some more rest, okay?

She waves goodbye and exits the hut.

Later that night, Shadow stands by the window, arms folded, when Bunnie knocks on the ajar door and lets herself in.

Bunnie: Special delivery from your friendly, neighborhood rabbot.

She enters and sets a plate of food on the table.

Shadow: Are you angry at what he did to you?

Bunnie: Oh, you wanna talk? Sure, we can talk.

She joins him at the window and gazes at the stars.

Bunnie: Well of course it makes me angry and it makes me sad too.

Shadow: He needs to be destroyed. He's obviously completely evil.

Bunnie: Robotnik? Hold on there, you gotta be well before you go destroying Robotnik. Trust me on this one.

Shadow: Trust you because you and your friends saved me? Thanks.

Bunnie: Oh don't thank me, thank Boom Sonic. He was the one who did most of the saven'.

Shadow: Two Sonics and they both seem different than how I remember him. The one who saved me seems... taller. I guess he's the one I befriended even though something's off. Great, now I have befriend him all over again.

Bunnie: Well, and if you want, you can be friends with me too.

Shadow looks Bunnie in the eye, she smiles sweetly.

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