Hidden Bestie

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An hour later, Sonic zooms into the cave.

Sonic: (sigh) What the heck am I doing right now? Shadow, you in here?

Shadow Chaos Controls in front of him.

Shadow: You came... on time.

Sonic: Yeah and I brought you a Meh Burger cause, I don't know why.

He hands Shadow a paper bag.

Shadow: Like I said before, I'm not a fan of Meh Burger but I'll eat this anyway to show you I appreciate the gesture.

Sonic: Fair enough. Why'd you want me to meet you here?

Shadow: I asked you to come here so we could talk more about that dream.

Sonic: Oh. Well that's a relief.

They both lean against the rocks and relax as Shadow eats the burger.

Shadow: This isn't half bad now that they added the worms

Sonic: I'm sticking with Meh Chili Dogs. So... some dream, huh?

Shadow: Yup. So weird.

Sonic: Robotropolis, what a dirt hole. Am I right, or am I right?

Shadow: Big time. And that Robotnick, he deserved to die. Stupid jerk shot me even after I thought I killed him.

Sonic: Is that how it happened? Fill me in.

Shadow: Sally got abducted. You tried to help but Snively shot you and you ate it. Then Robotnick shot me and I ate it too. Just like how I'm eating this Meh Burger. We both died hard in that dream. Fun, right?

Sonic: Are you being sarcastic?

Shadow: Partially.

Sonic: I didn't die by the way, I woke up and found Sally near the Great Forest with you but you were already, well... you died, I didn't.

Shadow: I always die in my dreams, it's no big deal. I've never shared a dream with another hedgehog before. What'd ya think of Princess Sally and Snively and all the rest of it?

Sonic: Oh I get it, I feel you, bro. Let's see, Princess Sally, total babe.

Shadow: I didn't think that at first but have come to agree.

Sonic: Snively, complete psychopath. Eggman's a piece of work but I'll take him any day over that guy.

Shadow: Same.

Sonic: Chuck was pretty cool.

Shadow: He seemed smart enough.

Sonic: Knothole reminded me a little bit of Hedgehog village.

Shadow: Sorta, yeah.

Sonic: I don't care for that Tikal girl.

Shadow: No?

Sonic: And you... you make a good bestie. That's pretty much it.

Shadow: Are you gonna keep that gold ring of mine? That's the part that stumps me, that you have an artifact from my dream.

Sonic: I guess you can have it back if you want.

Shadow: No. Not really. Not if it makes you... happy.

Sonic: I don't want that echidna girl to come back looking for it.

Shadow: You really despise her, don't you?

Sonic: I dislike her... a lot. Bunnie was cool though.

Shadow: Mmm, Bunnie. Let's just say, Bunnie was a babe too.

Sonic: I know, right?

Shadow: You and Sally, me and Bunnie.

Sonic: Totally!

They fist bump.

Sonic: Wow, did we just fist bump? Hold on, are we friends now?

Shadow: A little. Only cause you and Amy already have a thing.

Sonic: Huh?

Shadow: It was a joke. You never kiss Amy like that.

Sonic: You're not gonna let that go, are you? And I never kiss Amy at all.

Shadow: She's missing out. Thanks for the burger and thanks for the talk. I should go, I have to feed the cat... cats.

Sonic: Wait, are you leaving? I just got here. Come on Shadow, join Team Sonic already. You know you want to.

Shadow: Not sure what gave you that idea. I do like Team Shadow and Sonic though.

Sonic: Team Sonic and Shadow.

Shadow: Team Shadow and Sonic.

Sonic: Team Sonadow. Wait. Wait no. (giggle) Dude no! Okay, don't be on Team Sonic. It's fine. Glad we had this chat.

Shadow: Where ever you went, Sonic, I went there too somehow. Maybe some other version of me but it was still me, the one you dream about.

Sonic: Valor Shadow is definitely my dream bestie. If you retained any piece of him, then I totally heart you. Guess that "dream" of yours brought us closer together. It wasn't a dream by the way but whatever.

Shadow: It did bring us closer together... salaciously.

Sonic: Stop. Don't be a stranger but like, don't make it weird.

Shadow: Understood. I'll be teasing you mercilessly from this point on.

Sonic: Wish you wouldn't. You teasing me over Valor You is like...

Shadow: ...some really mean, nasty version of Maria teasing me over... Maria?

Sonic: Why do I know what you're talking about? Okay, this is getting too strange. Now I feel like you when you were ranting about dimension zero.

Shadow: Don't freak out. Look, I'm sorry, I won't tease you about Valor Shadow. He's obviously the same person as me only from another dimension. You... are you gonna be okay?

Sonic: Always.

Sonic winks and gives Shadow a thumbs up.

Shadow: Hmph. Whatever, Faker. I know another sad hedgehog when I see one. Fine, I'll be nicer to you from this point on and maybe... come around a little more.

Sonic: Man, it's all so confusing but either way, come around a little more. Please, Shadow?

Shadow: You really do care, don't you? Look at you, with that gold ring of mine. Hmm, perhaps a rogue member of Team Sonic is something I can manage since it makes you... happy. If you love me this much, the least I can do is be your hidden bestie. The one you pull out of your hat when the others aren't available.

Sonic: It doesn't have to be a secret. I can have more than one best friend.

Shadow: Then our truce in the woods is still valid.

He takes Sonic's hand and shakes it.

Sonic: Wha? Really? Yay!

Sonic shakes Shadow's hand back enthusiastically.

Shadow: You take care of yourself too, Sonic the Hedgehog. I'll see you around, I promise.

Shadow Chaos Controls away.

The End. 

 Next story in the series: Shadowless World.

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