No Time for Eggman

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The next day, in the Boom world, in Tails' workshop.

Tails: It all makes sense now!

Knuckles: I know, right? Er, wait, what are we talking about?

Tails: Our findings indicate a hole in the vortex between our two worlds.

There's a knock on the front door. Sat Sonic zooms to answer it.

Sat Sonic: I'll get it.

Sat Sonic opens the door. Orbot and Cubot are there.

Tails: Who is it?

Sat Sonic: A couple of dingy looking robots.

Orbot: Hey, words hurt.

Amy: That's Orbot and Cubot. They belong to Eggman.

She joins Sat Sonic's side.

Amy: Make it quick, you two. We're really busy in here.

Orbot: I do hope we're not interrupting anything too dire but Eggman sent us here with a video transmission he'd like to share with all of you.

Cubot: Special delivery from Dr. Eggman!

Cubot projects the transmission with his eyes.

Eggman: Greetings losers, I thought right now would be a good time to let you know that I'm planning on setting another mech lose on the village this afternoon. Normally I wouldn't tell you my evil plan before doing it but, since Sonic seems a little out of it, I'm giving you a heads up so he can be sure to pencil that into his agenda for today.

Sat Sonic: Not right now, Eggman, we have more threatening problems to deal with.

Eggman: Eh, I beg your pardon?

Amy: What he's saying is, sorry Egg Head but you're not our top priority right now.

Eggman: Not your top priority? I'm always on the top of your list of problems!

Sat Sonic: He's joking, right? Haha, this guy's a major wimp compared to the Robotnick back in our world. Am I right or am I right?

Eggman: Wimp?! I'll bet your beady little Doug Funny eyes I could destroy your Robotnick faster than you and Amy can pretend you're not in love with each other!

Sat Sonic: Amy? Why would I be in love with Amy? I just met her.

Uncle Chuck: There's no need for that, Eggman. Shadow already destroyed Robotnick.

Sat Sonic: Wait, he went through with it?! RoBUTTnick's gone?!

Eggman: Ha! Shadow would never kill me. We're besties. By the way, I have a hunch that if you send Tails and Sticks into the vortex, some other tinkering twerp and a bouncy country type will get swapped here. I know you Freedom Fighters wanna trade my adversaries for your dippy friends. Admit it, you'd rather dwell on this beautiful island and take on my glorious Badnicks than go back to your crappy universe with your crappy, destroyed Robotnick.

Sticks: No way you're sending ME into another dimension! I'm blowing this popsicle stand!

Sticks runs out of the workshop screaming.

Tails: Buzz off, Eggman, we'll get to your predicable attack that you foolishly forewarned us about after we handle more pressing matters.

Eggman: So I'm not threatening or pressing enough for Team Sonic anymore? Words hurt, Tails! Just you all wait, I'll show you. Oh boy will I ever show you. Nobody puts Dr. Eggman on the back burner!

Cubot's eyes go back to normal.

Cubot: I think you made him mad.

Sat Sonic: Don't care.

He slams the door in their faces.

Orbot: That went better than I thought it would.

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