Make Out with Sally

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Dawn at Knothole, Sonic zooms into Shadow's hut and finds Uncle Chuck waiting for him.

Uncle Chuck: You're back.

Sonic: Yeah well, it's not like I had anywhere else to go.

Uncle Chuck: Did you run all over Mobius?

Sonic: Maybe.

Uncle Chuck: Then you could have gone anywhere. You didn't have to come back here so it means a lot that you did.

Sonic: No offense but don't you have another Sonic to care about?

Uncle Chuck: About as much as you have another Shadow to care about.

Sonic: Not the same.

Uncle Chuck: No?

Sonic: That's right, no.

Uncle Chuck: You're mad at me for letting Tikal take your friend away, huh?

Sonic: I am. (sigh) But it's not your fault.

Uncle Chuck: I'm no Amy Rose or Knuckles the Echidna but...

Sonic: You know them?!

Uncle Chuck: I've been with them this whole time, yes.

Sonic: Yeah? Go on.

Uncle Chuck: But I am your friend. I know you care a lot about your friends. They're your family.

Sonic folds his arms.

Sonic: I guess they belong to the other Sonic now.

Uncle Chuck paternally puts his hand on Sonic's shoulder.

Sonic: (sigh) I'm sorry. I'm bummed about Shadow.

Uncle Chuck: I know.

Sonic: I don't like it and... I don't belong here.

Uncle Chuck: Ya know, I disagree. There's only one Sonic the Hedgehog and I'm looking at him.

Sonic: That's not true.

Uncle Chuck: Then answer me this? Is there a different Shadow in your world?

Sonic: Yes and he's a dill weed. Nothing like that Valor Shadow.

Uncle Chuck: But if you end up back in your world you probably won't see your Shadow the same way anymore, will ya?

Sonic: Well... no.

Uncle Chuck: We don't know how much time we have together but as long as you're here with me, your my Sonny-boy.

Sonic covers his face.

Sonic: Oh man! All my friends are so far away! Stop it. I'm not crying, you're crying!

Uncle Chuck: There, there. You'll be okay, Sonny-boy.

Sally sees Chuck holding Sonic from outside the window and hurries in. Before he can react, Sonic feels Sally's arms around him from behind.

Sally: Oh Sonic, I hate seeing you so sad. I'm so sorry.

He turns to her and hugs her, sobbing on her shoulder.

Sonic: Is this a bad time to ask if you're free rein?

Sally: What do you mean?

Sonic: You keep calling the other guy, "my Sonic." What does that make me, Princess?

Uncle Chuck: I'll leave you two alone.

He exists the hut. Sally pauses then gasps.

Sally: Oh my gosh, it just hit me like a brick in the face.

Sonic: What did? The fact that you rejected me a bunch of times even though I'm no less Sonic than the Sonic from this world?

Sally: Y...yes!

Sonic: Yeah, that hurts almost as bad as looking down at your dead bro.

Sally: Oh Sonic, I never meant to...

Sonic: It's okay, Sally. This place is totally up side down. Where I come from Shadow is a douche, you don't exist, and Eggman shares a marshmallow with me and Tails every now and then. But hey, this isn't my world so, I gotta take what I can get.

Sally: I guess I saw you as someone else.

Sonic: Someone other than Sonic. I get it.

Sally: Would a chili dog help you feel better?

Sonic: Normally yes but we're talking about one of my homies kicking the bucket and me getting rejected by a princess. Not even a chili dog can fix this one.

Sally: Let me see then...

She gives him a peck on the lips.

Sonic: Whoa.

Sally: Whoa is right. That felt exactly like it always does! Now I know what Tikal was saying about the anomaly. Sonic, it really is you!

Sonic: Yeah duh.

Sally: Awe! I'm sorry! I didn't understand before!

She gives him a nice long kiss on the lips.

Sonic: Thanks, Sal. For some reason I've been wanting to do this since the moment I saw you. Jeeze, that felt good.

Sally: Don't stop...

They keep going until Sally stops, opens her eyes and sees Sat Sonic restored.

Sally: SONIC!

Sat Sonic: SALLY!

They hug and make out.

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