Shadow Gets Roboticized

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In Robotropolis, Robotnik and Snively watch a transmission video...

Snively: Stealth Bot surveillance video indicates ground units have captured a third hedgehog.

Robotnik: THREE Sonics?!

Snively: The transmission shows a different hedgehog, Sir, a more menacing-looking one.

Robotnik: Menacing? Hmm, how resistant was he?

Snively: No resistance documented, Sir. He appears to have been found in critical condition.

Robotnik: Hmm, two Sonics and one menacing-looking hedgehog. Pause the transmission! I want a close up of his face.

Snively pauses the footage, revealing the third hedgehog to be Modern Shadow.

Snively: He was found in Sector 2, Sir.

Robotnik: Who is he?

Snively: I'm showing no identity in our files. Nothing matches.

Robotnik: Do you see those red markings? He's obviously a warrior. No time to waste. I want him Roboticized immediately.

Snively: But he's a clean slate. You don't want to try to manipulate him for your benefit first?

Robotnik: No. I'm not taking any chances now that we're dealing with TWO Sonics.

Snively: Wouldn't it benefit you to know who he is first?

Robotnik: Look into my eyes, Snively...

He corners Snively, Snively cowers.

Robotnik: Do I look like a man who wastes time playing games?

Snively: I know Sir, but what if he's evil like you? That would be... (gulp) helpful to your empire?

Robotnik picks him up by the neck.

Robotnik: Even if he's half as evil as I am, he's more useful to me without a free will.

He drops Snively on the floor.

Later, Shadow opens his eyes, roboticized.

Robotnik: Excellent. I don't know why but that felt especially good, gave me tingles all over.

The Roboticizer opens.

Robotnik: Tell me, who do you serve?

Shadow's eyes are still red. He shakes his head, then holds onto it.

Shadow: Grah, I serve no one!

Robotnik: Deactivate him!

Snively frantically pushes a bunch of buttons on a headboard near the Roboticizer. Shadow jumps and breaks the glass on the Roboticizer. Then he holds his head in pain again.

Robotnik: Shoot him! Don't let him escape!

Several Swatbots shoot him with lasers at the same time. He falls to the floor.

Robotnik: Congratulations, you're the first person ever to be immune to the freewill overwriting powers of the Roboticizer. But not for long. Still, I'm compelled to ask, what is your name? I want to have it recorded for when I use you as an example of what happens when Roboticized civilians disobey me.

Shadow: My name is Shadow the Hedgehog and you've made the biggest mistake of your life by making me your enemy. I'm going to...

ZAP! He's about to lunge at Robotnik but Robotnik holds up a remote and presses a red button. Shadow is electrocuted. He cries out, excruciated.

Robotnik: I'm sorry, Shadow the Hedgehog, but you've already been defeated. Not even that miserable rodent, Sonic, can save you now. Tell me, did he abandon you, one of his own kind, right in the middle of my city? Oh, what's wrong? Are you in too much pain to respond?

Shadow: Sonic? Sonic is here?

Robotnik: Awe, do you want him to come and rescue you? A few more shocks and you won't even remember your own name! But I will.

Robotnik electrocutes Shadow again. He yelps and collapses.

Knothole, Boom Sonic lounges in a hammock while Rotor tinkers with a Hover Unit.

Boom Sonic: I guess this hammock will do. It reminds me of the one in my shack back home. So, you guys have any Meh Burger chains around here?

Rotor: Sorry to break it to you but we don't have any burger places, not anymore. Boy, that sure sounds good though. A nice, juicy, delicious burger.

Boom Sonic: Whoa whoa, I didn't say they were delicious. More like, meh. Are you rebuilding this transporter bot?

Rotor: Yeah, we stole this Hover Unit during one of our missions. I'm resetting it to be faster and more efficient.

Boom Sonic: Sick.

Rotor: Oh don't worry, I gave it a good wash. It's not germy, I promise.

Boom Sonic: No, sick means cool.

Rotor: Oh I see. Like way past cool! Haha, gotcha. So, where did you come from anyway?

Boom Sonic: Hedgehog Village. What's with that dismal city I woke up in?

Rotor: That's Robotropolis. Doctor Robotnik took over the whole planet years ago. The Freedom Fighters live here in hiding, trying to find a way to take it back. It's not easy but I don't know, maybe with another Sonic around...

Boom Sonic: Doctor Robotnik? You mean Doctor Eggman? Haha! That's a good one. He's not even clever enough to take over Hedgehog Village let alone the whole world. I'll do what I can to help while I'm here. But I gotta tell ya, the only Eggman I know, spends way too much time grooming his mustache to hatch a plan that would nab him an entire planet.

Sat Sonic zooms to them.

Sat Sonic: Hey other Sonic, Sal just got a message from Uncle Chuck! He wants us to come meet him back at Robotropolis right now!

He zooms away, Boom Sonic shrugs and follows him.

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