Oops, Wrong Hedgehogs

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A week later, in the Boom universe, outside of Tails' workshop, the gang prepares the teleportation machine.

Tails: It's okay, the makeshift Multi-Dimensional Coordinate Specifier I whipped up, has capabilities comparable to Chaos Control.

Eggman: Oh please, are we really expected to believe that your little compass is as powerful as Shadow the Hedgehog? Give me a break.

Sticks: No more arguing! Push the button and get the alien apocalypse over with. They're gonna try and sort us according to whose brains will taste the best! Mine is full of allergens. Oh and, we wanna bring Sonic back too.

Eggman: Just a second you little muskrats, the hardware needs to warm up.

In Robotropolis both Sonics and Sally are at Boom Sonic's spot in Sector 12.

Sally: You stand here, Boom, and wait for Shadow to give us the okay that he's ready.

Boom Sonic stands in his spot and gives Sally a thumbs up.

Sally: Sonic, we need you keep an eye out for anything that might interrupt the teleportation.

Sat Sonic: You got it, Sal.

Shadow and Uncle Chuck arrive to Shadow's spot in Sector 2.

Uncle Chuck: This is it, Shadow. This is the spot where you need to use Chaos Control to send you and Boom back home.

Shadow goes to the spot just as a large hover craft lands near him. Uncle Chuck hides near by as Robotnik steps out. Shadow clinches his teeth and fists.

Robotnik: I thought I recognized you, Shadow. Tell me, how did you CHANGE BACK? Oh and what's this? No lunging at me this time?

Uncle Chuck: (quietly) Easy, Shadow.

Shadow: I'm going to kill you.

Robotnik: Oh be my guest. I'm a mere ten feet away.

Sally: (through Shadow's communicator) Shadow, we're ready. Use Chaos Control.

Shadow is too distracted by his rage to hear her.

Robotnik: The princess. Snively, tap into his communicator!

Snively is inside of the hover craft and is about to press a button when...

Shadow: Chaos Spear!

A blast sends Robotnik flying backwards. He smashes into the hover craft, knocking Snively out of his seat.

Uncle Chuck: (into his communicator) We're not ready, Robotnik is here!

Sally: (through Uncle Chuck's communicator) Don't let Shadow move from that spot! Sonic's coming to help!

Uncle Chuck: Too late.

Shadow walks ominously to Robotnik and stands over him. Robotnik gasps and cowers.

Robotnik: No Sh-Shadow, please I beg of you, it-it was a mistake to roboticize you! You, you-you you... you can join me! I'll share my empire with you!

Sat Sonic zooms into the scene.

Sat Sonic: Shadow, stop!

Shadow: Back off, I've already made up my mind.

Sat Sonic's eyes widen. He turns around and zooms back to Sally in Sector 12.

Sally: Sonic, what happened?

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