Shadow Eats It

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Still in Knothole, Sonic wakes up on the ground.

Sonic: What in the world?

He realizes the village is being attacked and spin attacks a bot.

Sonic: Did someone shoot me? What the heck is going on?!

Bunnie punches a bot before it can zap Sonic.

Bunnie: Sonic! Yes, you got shot a few minutes ago. Thank goodness you're okay! We thought you were really dead this time. Good thing Tails gave you that power ring!

Sonic smashes another bot.

Sonic: Okay, that explains why my torso looks like someone set it on fire.

Rotor: Maybe it wasn't the best idea to detain Snively so close to Knothole!

Sonic smashes more bots.

Sonic: Hey at least we're getting some action, right?

Bunnie smashes a bot in mid air as it flings at Sonic.

Bunnie: We need to help Sally girl! Shadow's chasing down that Hover Unit that snagged her but...

Sonic reverse spin attacks a bot that almost shoots Bunnie.

Sonic: If you guys can hold them off, I'll go help him save her!

Tails and Rotor take down a bot with a massive rock in a sling shot.

Tails: Sonic, we got your back!

Rotor: Tails is right, go rescue the princess!

Sonic nods and zooms into the Great Forest.

Inside the Hover Unit, Snively chains Sally to the wall.

Snively: Now I know where Knothole is! I knew he would come for me. Why? Because I programmed him to obey my every command and now Robotnick, yes, Robotnick, is my personal body guard. Too bad your precious hedgehog couldn't be yours. How did it feel to see me shoot him dead? No one can save you this time! Hahahaha... execute the Princess, slave.

Robotnick: Yes, Snively the Great. I obey your every command.

The Robot piloting the Hover Unit revolves it's head around, revealing that he is Robotnick.

Sally: (gasp) Robotnick! You roboticized him!

Snively: Silence! And yes, yes I did.

Robotnick mindlessly holds up a huge gun. He fires at Sally. Shadow Chaos Controls into the Hover Unit, blocks Sally and gets blasted right in the torso.

Sally: Shadow! No, not you too!

Robotnick gets out of the pilot's seat, allowing the Hover Unit to spin out of control.

Robotnick: Execution failed. Permission to reattempt?

Snively: What are you doing?! Pilot the Hover Unit! I knew it was a bad idea to Roboticize him when he was already dead!

Robotnick: Does not compute.

He short circuits. Shadow gets up miraculously and hurries to Sally.

Shadow: You're coming with me, Princess.

Shadow punches chain clasps on the wall, frees Sally and Chaos Controls out of the Hover Unit with her in his arms.

Snively: We're going to crash! Noooooo!

Sonic is hot on their tail from the ground but is dismayed to watch the Hover Unit crash into a cliff and explode.

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