Dimension Zero

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In Robotropolis, Sonic and Sally are side by side in two Roboticizer capsules.

Snively: Now that I have both of you side by side, I'm going to Roboticize you simultaneously. I want the defeat of your hero to be the last thing you see with your organic eyes, Princess!

Shadow Chaos Controls into the space and homing attacks the switchboard. Snively falls and tries to scramble away.

Snively: Not him again, no no no no!

Shadow grabs Snively by the shirt.

Shadow: Release them or I'll break your neck! I don't want to but I'll do it! You know I will!

Snively: Yes, Sir!

Snively presses a button on the remote. The capsules open. Sally hurries to Sonic.

Sally: Sonic? Sonic, can you hear me?

Shadow smashes Snively against the wall.

Shadow: What did you do to him, Snively?

Snively: The effects will wear off in 24 hours, I swear to you!

Sally: We need to get Sonic out of here.

Shadow: Should I get rid of Snively first?

Snively yelps. Sally hurries to Shadow.

Sally: No Shadow, we need him alive. He knows all the codes and deactivation keys to every robotic element in Robotropolis. Without him, it could take decades to undo this dystopia.

Shadow: Fine, Princess, but if Sonic doesn't wake up, you're dead, Snively.

Snively squeals in terror.

The next night, in Knothole, Sonic awakes in a hut but doesn't open his eyes.

Sonic: Ugh, Amy I just had a nightmare that I drowned. Can you do that thing you do?

He opens his eyes and sees Shadow standing over him.

Sonic: Dah! Jeez! First rule of the bro code, no hovering over each other while we sleep.

Shadow: Sorry.

Sonic: Okay fill me in, what happened?

Shadow: Snively poisoned you.

Sonic: Awe man, that's creepier than Eggman's toe nail collection. This place is so dark.

Shadow: You should rest.

Shadow turns to leave.

Sonic: Wait, that's it?

Shadow: Hmm. Oh, no. We also captured Snively.

Sonic: That seems like a pivotal detail. Anything else?

Shadow: Lemme think. Well, you've been out for a day.

Sonic: A day? Oh man. Is everyone okay? Where's Sally? Is she alright?

Shadow: She's fine. It's probably about two in the morning. She's asleep.

Sonic: And you were just standing here waiting for me to wake up this whole time?

Shadow: Not the whole time. I was standing by the window before.

Sonic: That's... different.

Shadow: I was worried so I stayed with you. Is that wrong?

Sonic: No. I mean, yes. Er... I'm not sure.

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