Sonic and Sally

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That night, at Robotropolis, Sonic and Sally are in the meeting spot at the edge of the city.

Sally: Nicole, display a map of Central Tower.

Nicole: Accessing, Sally.

Nicole projects a holographic map.

Sonic: That's the same place we saw Robotnick torture Shadow.

Sally: Correct, it's also the same location as the Roboticizer. Which means it's the same place we'll find Snively. We have to take him down if we want to restore peace in Mobius and ultimately, get a clear shot returning everyone where they belong.

Sonic: How do you know for sure he's there? This place is ginormous, he could be hiding anywhere.

Sally: Boom, you have to trust me. I know the patterns of our enemies. We have to be discrete. Are you comfortable following my instructions once we get inside?

Sonic: Call me Sonic and whatever you say goes, Sally.

Sally: You're right. You are Sonic. Okay, Sonic. Let's to it to it.

She puts her fist out for a bump. He gives her a generic fist bump.

Sonic: Sorry, I don't think that's what you were going for but it's all I got.

Sally: Like this.

She shows him the Freedom Fighter's fist bump.

Sonic: Got it, let's do it to it.

He repeats the fist bump with her, as if he's known it for years. Sally beams as he scoops her up and zooms into the city.

They enter the city, Sirens go off.

Sonic: So much for being discrete.

Bots of all shapes and sizes start chasing them.

Sally: Sonic, they're every where! Whatever you do, don't stop running!

Sonic: Fine by me.

Sally: We have to shake them off somehow!

Sonic: No problem.

He heads to Central Tower and boosts up the wall onto the balcony.

Sally: We're almost there, the control room is on the top floor.

Sonic: Of course it is, that's always how it works. Villains prefer the pent house view.

A bunch of robots surround them, both in the air and on the balcony.

Swatbot: Hedgehog priority one, surrender.

Sally: We're surrounded.

Sonic: Oh man, I wish Knuckles was here to chunk me at these guys.

Sally: Here, use a power ring!

He sets her down. She hands him a power ring from her backpack. He flashes yellow/super for a split second. Then does a light speed attack and torpedoes in a spiral through all the Hover Units, Swatbots, and other bots. They all explode.

Sally: Holy cow!

Sonic lands next to her.

Sonic: That felt amazing!

Sally: Let's get to the top floor while we have a chance!

Sonic: Sweet! Now we're cookin', Sally Acorn!

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