Gotta Go Home

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In the Boom universe, at Amy's house, the gang invited Eggman over.

Eggman: You call these Pizza Pockets? There's hardly any cheese, Amy Rose! And smoked hickory? Who does that? Everyone knows you use mozzarella.

Amy: Look, we invited you over to help us find Sonic, not to discuss my Pizza Pockets recipe, which by the way is flawless!

Sticks: I have a better recipe from the Hidden Tree People. They live in the forest behind my burrow. Eee, I shouldn't-ah told you that!

Tails: Guys, we need to focus. Eggman, how can we bring Sonic back?

Eggman: Oh I'll tell you how, but just know I'm only doing this because you four are lousy opponents. I need a challenge. It's no fun sicking my minions on you without Sonic around. With his cool, aloof, default stance and slick, attack moves... not that I miss him, I didn't say that.

Tails: We all miss Sonic.

Knuckles: Do we? Haha, just kidding, we do! That was a trick question!

Amy: So how do we get him back?

Eggman: If I put my teleportation machine in the exact same spot where he disappeared, we might be able to use what's known as...

Back in Knothole with the Sat gang.

Nicole: Alternate Dimensional Displacement; when parallel coordinates align.

Sat Sonic: In English, Nicole.

Boom Sonic: Yeah, seriously.

Nicole: Boom Sonic stepped onto an equilateral anomaly at the precise fraction of a second, when there was an occurrence of orbital synchronization between his world and our world.

Rotor: Are you kidding me? The probability is over a billion to one!

Sally: I still don't understand why that would cause both of you to teleport here.

Sat Sonic: I still don't understand what the heck you guys are talking about.

Boom Sonic: Big time ditto over here. Wouldn't be surprised it we find out later that Eggman is to blame for this mess.

Uncle Chuck: I know why, Sally.

Sally: You do?

Uncle Chuck: Yes. Shadow must have been using Chaos Control when it happened.

Rotor: That's a massive fluke, within the same probability as matter going through matter, as likely as one of you strolling right through a wall!

Uncle Chuck: And it happened because with Chaos Control, you can do just that, teleport to different places!

Sally: So Boom, that spot we showed you, exists in your world too, coordinate wise.

Boom Sonic: Sorry but usually Tails spells this stuff out in 5th grader language for me. And again, I still think it was somehow Eggman but whatever.

Shadow: I think they're saying that I Chaos Controlled at the same time you stepped on identical coordinates in your world.

Boom Sonic: Dude we come from the same world.

Shadow: You sure about that?

Boom Sonic: What's that supposed to mean? Is this some edgy riddle?

Sat Sonic: No riddles, I'm already lost enough as it is!

Sally: Listen, we're talking about identical coordinates to the ones we verified in Sector 12 today. You basically stepped into the zenith of our two worlds entering the same orbit at the same time for a split second.

Sat Sonic: You're talking about the magic spot, right?

Uncle Chuck: Yes and Shadow ended up here too because he's the one who did Chaos Control, literally at the exact same time Sonic's foot touched that spot.

Rotor: That's insane! And the best science fair project ever!

Uncle Chuck: More like the best doctoral thesis ever! Am I right or am I right?

Rotor and Uncle Chuck high five. Both Sonic's fold their arms.

Boom Sonic: Guys, you're just making me feel dumber.

Sat Sonic: Same here.

Shadow: Don't worry about it Sonic, all you need to understand is what I gathered, which is that the way we got here was so improbable that it's practically impossible.

Sat Sonic: We already knew that!

Sally: But now we know that if you two go back to those same spots and Shadow does Chaos Control again, it could send you both back home. That's my hypothesis at least.

Boom Sonic: And theoretically, it could also do what, blow us up?

Sat Sonic: Whoa whoa my twin, why would you guys blow up?

Boom Sonic: Because that's always the catch, bro, I mean me, I mean you, er... us?

Rotor: Sally, you don't think the orbits would have to align again? Cause if so, it means you guys are pretty much stuck here indefinitely.

Sally: That could pose a potential problem, Rotor.

Boom Sonic: Stuck here indefinitely? No way, not if my friends back home are smart enough to figure this stuff out too. I bet Tails already has a plan to teleport me back somehow.

Sally: You and Shadow need to stand simultaneously at those two spots we visited today. If you stand in those spots at the same time while Shadow does Chaos Control, I speculate that should be enough to send you guys back home, as long as there's no interference.

Boom Sonic: Cool. So how soon can we go back? I'm available like, right now.

Uncle Chuck: Using Chaos Control just yet isn't wise. Shadow hasn't completely healed. You look like you went through a lot, possibly before you even arrived here.

Rotor: Your vitals this morning where much better than before, but I'd say give it another week before you try this Chaos Control thing again, Shadow.

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