Moody Sonic

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The next day in a hut in Knothole, Shadow wakes up to the sound of Dulcy's head crashing through the wall. He is startled to open his eyes and see her face so close to his. He scoots back and falls out of the bed.

Dulcy: Hello! Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya. Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to smash the wall. (sigh) Some first impression that's gotta be.

Sally hurries in.

Sally: Dulcy, are you alright?

Dulcy: Thanks to the helmet Rotor made me I'm fine (points to Shadow) but he's not.

Sally goes to Shadow to help him up but he hops to his feet before she can assist.

Shadow: I'm fine.

Sally: Listen, I know you don't like me very much but I say this in your best interest. Boom and I came up with a plan to sneak into Robotropolis while you rest. Let us focus on getting Sonic and Uncle Chuck back until we figure out what Snively did to you.

Shadow: What happened to Sonic and Chuck?

Sally: I thought I told you, they were sucked into the portal when we tried to teleport you guys back home.

Shadow: Oh right, now I remember. You don't want my help?

Dulcy: Are you kidding, we'd love your help. You got rid of Robotnick! But you got hurt doin' it. We want you to be well first.

Sally: This is Dulcy. She's one of the only dragons left and a Freedom Fighter.

Dulcy: I don't know how to thank you for defeating Robotnick. It means the world to us.

Sally: Truly, she speaks for all of us. Unfortunately Snively immediately announced his succession of Robotnick's empire so it's still standing for now. Still, what you did was...

Shadow: Pointless.

Sally: No! No, not at all! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so demanding.

Shadow: Don't apologize, Princess. Dulcy, if you go to Sector 4 in Robotropolis, you'll find more dragons. Roboticized dragons, but dragons none the less. They guard your father's military weapons, Sally.

Sally: How do you know all this?

Shadow: That weasel I pulled out of the explosion told me.

Sally: Snively.

Shadow: That was Snively? Why did I spare him?! UGH!

Sally: It's okay. You've done enough. Please, all we want is for you to recover completely.

Shadow: Sonic is the one you need.

Dulcy: He's right, Sally. We may not have the Sonic from our world but we do have Sonic.

Shadow: And he's not really a faker. He's... more powerful than me.

Boom Sonic and Bunnie enter the hut.

Bunnie: Everything okay in here? Hey Sweet Sugar, good to see you're awake finally.

Dulcy: I'm the one who woke him up!

Sally: Haha, that's for sure, Dulcy!

Sonic: So, the Lord of the Edge came to. I hope you're happy, we missed our ride thanks to you. No offense ladies, but I need to talk to him alone.

Bunnie: Don't be too hard on him, Sugar Hunk.

Dulcy: Sally and Bunnie, can you go outside and pull me out?

Sally: Oh my gosh, of course! I'm sorry, Dulcy! Come on, Bunnie.

Sally and Bunnie hurry outside and pull Dulcy out.

Sally: Okay girls, one, two...

Sonic and Shadow hear a crash.

Bunnie: We're okay!

Dulcy: Thanks for the hand, Mom.

Sonic presses his temple and groans, irritated.

Shadow: What's with you?

Sonic: What's with me? What's with you! You realize we might be stuck here, right?

Shadow: Says who?

Sonic: I don't know, the laws of physics?

Shadow: I'm surprised you don't care more.

Sonic: Me not care? You're the one who screwed up our chances of getting back home! The portal ate the wrong two hedgehogs!

Shadow: I meant you don't care about this planet.

Sonic: Oh, and you do? You just wanted revenge on Robotnick for roboticizing you. And excuse me, but I have friends back home on my planet that I care very much about. This world already has a Sonic.

Shadow: He teleported away with Chuck though. Now you're this world's Sonic.

Sonic: What the heck? Why are you pestering me about this?

Shadow: I'm just not used to you being the apathetic one.

Sonic: I'm not apathetic.

Shadow: You kind of are. Is it because I keep calling you Faker? I'll stop. It just occurred to me how that might have really cut you down, all things considered.

Sonic: Oh please, I don't care if you call me Pete the Poop-eating Parrot. Like I really give a flip about what you think, Shadow.

Shadow: That's what concerns me.

Sonic: Oh now he's concerned about something.

Shadow stands.

Shadow: I'll be honest, I don't like you like this.

Sonic: Right, because you liked me so much before and all.

Shadow: Stop. Stop not caring. It doesn't suit you.

Sonic: Dude, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't belong here. I'm not the right Sonic.

Shadow: But you ARE Sonic and... you know I think the true ultimate life form is you, right? How can I motivate you?

Sonic: Ultimate life form? What are you, my life coach?

Shadow: Not your life coach, just the opposite of your enemy.

Sonic goes to the window, upset.

Shadow: You just really wanna go home, don't you?

Sonic: Not sure any other way to spell it out for you, Tails.

Shadow: What?

Sonic: What?

Shadow: You called me Tails.

Sonic: That's 'cuz I miss him so bad I was pretending you were him.

Frustrated, Sonic puts his palms on the window cill, trying to appreciate the sunset.

Shadow: Would it help to have a go at me?

Sonic storms inches from Shadow and gets right up in his face.

Sonic: No! I'm not gonna humor you with a pointless fight just so you can maintain your loner facade. We're both here, but I'm the one whose alone, got that?

Sonic zooms out of the hut, pissed.

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