Bad Time to Race

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Day 3, both Sonics, Sally, Shadow and Uncle Chuck are on a mission in Robotropolis.

Sally: This is it, this is the spot.

Boom Sonic: For who, me or Shadow?

Sally: For you. This is the exact spot you landed when you teleported here.

Sat Sonic: This is what we came here for? To look at the ground?

Sally: We have to memorize this spot. I believe in order to go back to your dimension, you'll have to be in this exact spot once again when the time is right.

Boom Sonic: Cool, so should I stand here and wait?

Uncle Chuck: That would be unsafe.

Boom Sonic: I was kidding, I hate waiting.

Sat Sonic: Kay we found the magic spot, now what?

Sally: Now we need to find Shadow's spot. It's all the way in Sector 2. We're in Sector 12.

Sat Sonic: Grab a hold Sal, it's juice and jam time. See you there, guys!

Sat Sonic takes off with Sally holding his waist.

Shadow: This is a waste of time. Give me the coordinates and I'll locate it myself.

Uncle Chuck: Not alone you won't, you're not operating at one hundred percent yet, Shadow. You both have the coordinates on your communicators. Go together. I'm heading back to Sector 8 where I was stationed this morning.

Shadow: Why do you pretend to work for that creep?

Uncle Chuck: Because I'm a spy, that's why. Now go, you two.

Uncle Chuck runs off.

Boom Sonic: (shrug) Wanna race?

Shadow smirks. Sonic smirks back. They start racing.

Shadow: Let's make it interesting.

Shadow turns off course, Sonic joins him.

In Sector 2, Sat Sonic and Sally wait at the spot.

Sat Sonic: What the heck's taking them so long?

Sally: I'm not sure. Nicole, locate Sonic and Shadow.

Nicole: Locating, Sally.

Nicole displays a holographic graph with two dots representing Shadow and Sonic racing away from Robotropolis.

Sat Sonic: Why the heck are they all the way over there? That's not close to us, is it?

Sally: No, its the other way. (into her communicator) Boom, do you hear me? What's going on? Where are you guys going?

Boom Sonic: Yeah, just a sec, Sally.

He shuts the communicator off.

Sat Sonic: Disconnection?

Sally: No. He shut me off!

Sat Sonic: What? What are they doing, having a race?!

Sally: I think so!

Sat Sonic: Are they insane? Sounds kinda fun though.

Sally: They're even more reckless than you are!

Sat Sonic: Should I go get them?

Sally: Hold on. Nicole, where are they headed?

Nicole: To the Great Swamp, Sally.

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