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In the Boom universe...

Sonic: That's nice, sweet sugar plum.

Sonic opens his eyes and sees mortified red pupils looking back at him. Then he gets a huge punch in the face.

Shadow: What the hell are you doing?! Are you insane?!

Sonic realizes he's laying in the dirt and coughs.

Sonic: (cough, cough) What the heck? Where am I? What's going on?

Amy runs to him and helps him up.

Amy: Sonic! Are you okay?

Sonic: Amy? Amy! Oh boy am I happy to see you!

He's about to hug her until he realizes she is giving him a weird look.

Sonic: What? What's wrong?

Tails: Um, Sonic, why did you just kiss Shadow?

Knuckles: Yeah dude, is this a new fight move? I'm not doing it.

Eggman: I took pictures! I'm going to use them to blackmail the both of you!

Sonic: Wait, what?

Sonic realizes he is surrounded by his friends, Eggman, and Shadow.

Sticks: I told you it was a bad idea to let that other Sonic fight along side us again. What is this mind game you're playing with us, Sonic? What is it?!

Sonic: No no, Sticks, calm down. Guys, I'm just as thrown off as you guys are.

Eggman: And I told you I was a threat! You just watch, this is going to spring up a whole new fetish in the fan base! I'm off to send these photos through every feed I have on social media. So long, losers! Ahahaha!

Eggman flies away in the Egg Mobile.

Shadow: Grah! You'll pay for that, Sonic!

Sonic: Hold on, someone fill me in. What just happened?

Tails: We were fighting Eggman and Shadow showed up. Then beige-arms Sonic jumped on him and turned into you and you started...

Sticks: Ya started frenchin' the enemy!

Sonic: No no no, I was frenchin' Princess Sally, I swear.

Amy: Whose Princess Sally? Hmm?

Sonic: Honestly dude, I'm surprised you're not beating me up or chasing Eggman right now.

Knuckles: Yeah well, I gotta process this whole thing.

Sonic: Not you. Shadow.

Shadow: Hmph, I'll kill you on MY terms.

Everyone stares at him.

Shadow: What are you all staring at?

Amy: Just trying to understand why you're still standing there. You know Sonic is taken, right?

Sonic: Oh jeeze, this is not happening. Look, is tomorrow at 10am a good time for you? How about you come over and...

Sticks: Kiss him again?! This is a conspiracy!

Sonic: AND, if that works for you, you can kill me then. Sound good? You like those terms? They can be your terms. What do ya say?

Shadow: Hmph, fine. But only because even though I hate you, you're actually a decent kisser. See you tomorrow, when you DIE.

Sonic: Okay, take care.

Shadow: Don't patronize me!

Sonic: No I mean it, take care of yourself, man.

Shadow: What? You're friends are right. This is obviously some kind of mind control you're using as fighting tactic.

Sticks: That's what I'm sayin'!

Shadow: Well not today, Sonic! You shall soon see that no one manipulates me!

Sonic: Heh, yeah, that never happens.

Shadow: Quiet!

Amy: Weren't you leaving, Shadow?

Sonic: Yeah, you can go now just ya know, be good to yourself. Maybe do that thing Amy does. What is it, Ames? A hot bubble bath and a cup of tea?

Everyone stares at Sonic, puzzled.

Sonic: What? I care!

Shadow: You've cared for the last time. When the clock strikes 10am I will have my revenge, you insipid but effectively flirtatious weirdo!

Shadow Chaos Controls away.

Sonic: Bye Shadow! Good seeing you again! Really!

Amy: Sonic, you obviously hit your head or contracted some sort of strange, alternate-dimension fever. But, oh I'm glad you're back to normal... sort of normal!

Tails: Maybe he just needed to kiss a frog to become a prince.

Knuckles: Wait, Sonic's a frog?

Sticks: He's a Froglidite! Let's waste him!

Sonic: Whoa, whoa, take it easy, Sticks. How about we all get chili dogs at Meh Burger instead?

Sticks: (shrugs) Okay. But after that...

Amy: Sticks, enough.

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