Happy Truce

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Twilight in the Great Forest, Shadow finds bummed out Sonic sitting on a petrified log, elbows on his knees, head in his palms. Shadow sits beside him.

Sonic: Now what do you want? Sorry for the temper tantrum but I'd rather be alone than talk to someone who can hardly stand the sight of me.

Shadow: Feeling inadequate?

Sonic: Here to bombard me with another subpar, motivational speech? (scoffs) Get lost already.

He turns away from Shadow, pissed again.

Shadow: Thank you, Sonic, for saving me from Robotnick. It meant a lot to me to look up and see you there. More than you know.

Sonic is taken aback.

Sonic: Huh?

He faces Shadow.

Shadow: All hope was lost and then I saw you.

Sonic's mood softens.

Sonic: Oh. Well ya know, that's what I do. You're welcome. Anytime, Shadow.

They sit, unsure what to say. Then at the same time they both talk over each other...

Shadow: I shouldn't have been so...

Sonic: Look, I'm sorry I got all... (sigh) Me first. Listen, you probably really helped these guys by getting rid of Robotnick. I'm sorry I got all impatient with you. Patience isn't my strong suit.

Shadow: I shouldn't have been so hostile with you and Sally.

Sonic: I forgive you and so does she. Water under the bridge, man.

They sit awkwardly for a moment.

Sonic: Sooooo.

Shadow stands suddenly. Sonic braces himself. Shadow offers his hand.

Shadow: Truce, Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sonic is pleasantly surprised.

Sonic: Seriously? Wait, is this a trick?

Shadow: No tricks. I'd still be a robot if it wasn't for you.

Sonic: Whoa, okay, that's, hold on. I need to process this. You really, actually, truly, for real, seriously wanna be... friends? Or is this just a peace offering and am I overshooting my luck?

Shadow: It's both.

Sonic: You mean this isn't just a, "I'll get along with you for the greater good because I have no other choice" sort of thing?

Shadow folds his arms, impatiently.

Shadow: No.

Sonic: You're aware that being on Team Sonic is like riding the perpetual Bromance Express, right?

Shadow: Not sure what that means but I'm fine with it.

Sonic: You're not jerking my chain?

Shadow: For the love of... no! Are you interested or not?

Sonic hops up and pumps his fist.

Sonic: YES!

He does a little victory dance. Shadow rolls his eyes, annoyed and flattered at the same time.

Sonic: Er, I mean... ehem (fake aloof) Sure, yeah that's fine, I guess. You seem like, ya know, a cool person to be buds with, so yeah... Truce, Shadow the Hedgehog.

He enthusiastically shakes Shadow's hand and beams with a big smile.

Sonic: Race you back to Knothole! No detours this time though, okay?

Shadow nods. Sonic takes off. Shadow follows.

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