Boom Universe

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In the Boom universe, in Village Square, Sat Sonic and Team Boom finish taking down Wheel Bot. It falls to the ground. Eggman flies near them in the Egg Mobile.

Sat Sonic: Yes, one motor brain down, all the rest to go!

Eggman: That seems uncalled for. Not all my robots are mechs. Take Orbot and Cubot for example. They're practically trash cans. Don't be so inappropriately ambitious.

Sat Sonic: You talk too much, RobBUTTnick.

Eggman: Dah!

He looks at his butt.

Eggman: Phew, for a minute I thought I gained back all those pounds from splurging on Mombot's pumpkin rolls.

Sat Sonic: Say wha?

Eggman: She makes them for me when I'm stressed! Yeah. So is somebody gonna knock me over the horizon? This is starting to feel really awkward.

Amy hits him with her hammer over the horizon.

Eggman: This is why I need comfort fooood!

Sat Sonic: Great job, team! Now, where the heck are we?

Tails: Something must have gone wrong during the teleportation. I think we were sent a different version of Sonic. Like Sticks said, one from an alternate universe.

Sticks: That's because we used a machine! We have to wait for the planetary alignment if we wanna bring the real Sonic back. You don't even smell like him!

She starts sniffing him.

Tails: Sticks, he is the real Sonic, he's just not our Sonic.

Uncle Chuck goes to them.

Uncle Chuck: Fantastic job taking down that mech, you five. I'm Sir Charles, but please, call me Chuck. You're right, we're from another world. Your Sonic and Shadow are trapped in ours.

Tails: Hmmm, I wonder if this accident is the result of some sort of transposition of equal-person displacement.

Amy: Hang on, Shadow's not trapped in another world. I saw him this morning at Meh Burger. I had to stop him from seeking revenge on Dave the Intern after he screwed up his order. I redid the order myself. I won't soon forget the horror of those raw burger patties, fortunately I deep fried the worms too.

Sat Sonic: That's impossible, Shadow was with us in our world today, we just saw him in Robotropolis.

Knuckles: Meh Burger patties have worms in them? Are we gonna let that new insight slide and keep on eating them?

Sticks: Worms are full of protein. If anything this ups my opinion of Meh Burger.

Knuckles: Wait, don't echidnas eat worms?

Amy: Enough about the worms. I'm gonna go out on a whim here and suggest that we're talking about two different Shadows right now.

Knuckles: Who doesn't have a shadow? A ghost? Wait, the burger patties have ghosts in them?

Sticks: Haunted burger patties, it all makes sense now.

Tails: The real question is, how did you two get here? My thoughts are, Sonic from another dimension, you must have been too close to the coordinates that we pinpointed for our own Sonic to return. I'd have to run some tests to verify though.

Sat Sonic: Whoa whoa, slow down there, Big Guy. Let's leave this convo for the adults, okay?

Tails gives him an insulted glare. Amy shakes her head.

Sat Sonic: Um, or not?

Knuckles: Right? They always talk too big wordy for me and I hate it! But somehow, I think you understand me, alternate dimension Sonic.

He gets on his knees and takes Sat Sonic's hand and pats his own head with it.

Sat Sonic: Sure yeah, you can be the Big Guy, I guess.

Uncle Chuck: Tails, I presume. You're obviously extremely bright...

Tails: (bashful) Well, ya know, I do what I can.

Uncle Chuck: Between your sharp mind and my own, I'm sure we can come up with a way to fix this kerfuffle. I bet you have a workshop for perfecting all kinds of useful inventions.

Tails: You had me at kerfuffle. My workshops this way, Chuck. Let's get started right away!

Sat Sonic: Cool. So what can I do?

Sticks: We need to lock you up so you don't turn on us and try to take over the island.

Uncle Chuck: Now now Sticks, I know this is all a little overwhelming but trust me, my Sonny-boy can do you no wrong. Right Sonic? Er, Sonic?

Sat Sonic zooms to Meh Burger, straight to the counter, where Dave the Intern stands unproductively.

Sat Sonic: Check out this mondo rad burger place!

Amy: That would be Meh Burger.

Sat Sonic: And it says right there on the menu, you have chili dogs! That's just what I need, one chili dog with the works over here!

Dave the Intern: I'm on my breeeaaaak.

Meh Burger Bot assembles the chili dog.

Meh Burger Bot: One Meh chili dog, coming up, Sir. Two dollars, please.

Sat Sonic: Wait, you have nice robots here? Past cool! But uh, I don't have any money.

Knuckles joins him and puts some money on the counter.

Knuckles: I got-chu, little man, this ones on me. And I'll have a Meh Burger.

Meh Burger bot hands them their food. Sat Sonic scarfs it then spits it out.

Sat Sonic: Bleh! This stuffs terrible! Should-ah known since it was made by a robot.

Knuckles keeps eating his food like it's delicious.

Sat Sonic: Why are you still eating it? You should ask for your money back.

Knuckles: I dunno, I think the worms make it taste better actually.

Dave the Intern: Sorry Sir, all transactions are final. It's our policy to keep customers from asking for a refund. We're the only burger place on this side of the island so people just accept our monopoly now.

Sat Sonic: Your business is corrupted, pal!

Dave the Intern: Really? You just made my day!

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