Rescue Mission

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Both Sonics, Sally and Bunnie meet Uncle Chuck back at Robotropolis

Sat Sonic: So what's this big announcement, Uncle Chuck? Something about a demonstration for all the roboticized people?

Uncle Chuck: As of now, that's all I know. Whose your friend? You look like you pack a punch, son.

Boom Sonic: Would you believe me if I said I'm also Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sally: Uncle Chuck, this is the one I sent you the message about. He seems to have come here from another dimension but none of us are sure how.

Uncle Chuck: Incredible! Your build is out of this world. If you're anything like my Sonny-boy, I bet you're fast as lightning.

Boom Sonic: Well I don't like to brag. That was sarcasm by the way.

Uncle Chuck: Same sassy attitude too. I dig it. So what's a good way to tell you two apart in conversation?

Boom Sonic: I dunno, I guess er, Boom Sonic maybe? Boom for short?

Uncle Chuck: Past cool.

A giant screen reveals Robotnik walking along a massive balcony. All the city's Roboticized citizens/slaves gather around, stories below on the ground.

Bunnie: Ya'll look, I think it's about to start.

A bunch of robots wheel out a life-sized metal box with something banging around inside.

Sat Sonic: Swatbots and a big, metal box. Could be a new secret weapon.

Sally: Or a prisoner.

Uncle Chuck: I'm thinking it's a prisoner too. Oh this is not going to be good, not at all.

Robotnik situates himself at a metal podium.

Robotnik: Greetings, Robotropolis. It has come to my attention that some of you may be questioning who it is you serve. Therefor I have decided to recall each of you, one by one. Because that's how special all of you are.

Sat Sonic: That's bad news for you, Uncle Chuck. You need to come back with us to Knothole pronto.

Sally: Sonic's right, you can't stay here, Uncle Chuck.

Uncle Chuck: Hold on, something's off. Why would he recall everyone if he's onto just one of us? That'll take months. What's he really planning?

Robotnik: Of course reviewing the allegiance of each one of you will take quite some time. So, today, I'd like to make myself very clear in regards to those who may be considering... disobedience. Snively, open the cage.

Snively opens the metal box.

Sat Sonic: I don't like this one bit.

Shadow emerges but is restrained by a block of metal boxing his hands, and chains on his legs.

Sally: Oh my gosh, it's another roboticized hedgehog!

Shadow tries to spring upwards to jump off of the balcony.

Robotnik: Stand down, infidel!

All the Sawtbots zap him at once. He is completely immersed in electricity.

Sat Sonic: This makes me sick. We need to do something. Robotnik's gonna mess him up in front of everyone.

Sally: He seems to be immune to the mind control, like you Uncle Chuck.

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