Reversed by a Power Ring

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In Knothole, in Rotor's workshop, Shadow lays on a table. Sat Sonic zooms in with a power ring. Boom Sonic stands by and watches, apprehensively.

Sally: Operations done.

Rotor: We were able to put him back together on the inside.

Sat Sonic: Here's the power ring, Uncle Chuck!

Uncle Chuck: Good, place the power ring his hands.

Sat Sonic puts the power ring in Shadow's hands. Suddenly a yellow light engulfs Shadow. It's so bright that red waves spill out of the windows of the workshop. When the light subsides. Shadow's organic form is restored. He is longer a robot. Everyone gasps.

Uncle Chuck: I don't believe my eyes. I knew the power ring would wake him up but somehow he's been deroboticized!

Sally: But how?!

Shadow: Ugh...

Boom Sonic: He looks kinda different. Guess that's what happens when you come back after going full metal.

Shadow slowly sits up.

Uncle Chuck: Easy son, you've been through the ringer. Bruised and battered. You need to rest.

Shadow: Hmm? Where am I?

Boom Sonic: We're in another dimension. Fun, right? So fill me in, Lord of the Edge, what'd you do this time? How did we get here and more importantly, how do we get back?

Shadow gets off the table.

Shadow: I don't know how I got here.

Boom Sonic: So you're just as confused as I am. Great.

Bunnie runs inside of the workshop.

Bunnie: What happened? Did ya'll fix him? (gasp) Oh my stars, he transformed! It's a miracle!

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