Snively is an Evil Psychopath

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In Robotropolis, Shadow walks out of the explosion, dragging terrified Snively along the ground.

Snively: No no no, Dr. Robotnik made me fly the hover craft! I wasn't going to shoot you, I swear! Please, spare me!

Shadow shoves him forward a few feet.

Shadow: (into his communicator) We can go back now.

Sally: (through his communicator) No you can't! The teleportation already happened and it took my Sonic and Uncle Chuck instead!

Shadow: Hmph.

Shadow shuts off the communicator and glares at Snively.

Snively: Please! I'm begging you, don't kill me!

Shadow: Shut up.

Snively: Oh yes Sir, whatever you deSire!

Shadow glances at a huge fire coming from the demolished hover craft, then back at Snively.

Shadow: Weapons.

Snively: Weapons from the King's army are in Sector 4, Sir, in containment and guarded by all the roboticized dragons of Mobius.

Shadow: Dragons?

Snively: Yes, Sir, dragons.

Shadow turns away and stares at the explosion. Snivley quickly pulls out a gas dispenser and expels green smoke all over Shadow from behind. Then he conceals the dispenser immediately. Shadow's stoic stance becomes hostile, his eyes become redder. He clenches his fists, enraged.

Shadow: Pathetic humans!

Snively: Oh yes Sir, we are pathetic, very pathetic indeed.

Shadow: Those Freedom Fighters are foolish. Their passiveness is what allowed this to carry on so long. Look how quickly I wasted their dictator!

Snively: Oh but with you as our new leader, I'm sure things will be very different, Sir.

Shadow turns around and stares at Snively.

Shadow: Me, you're new leader...

Snively: Yes you, Sir. You are most terrifying. More so than Dr. Robotnick. You said so yourself, look how easily you destroyed one of his best hover crafts, look how mercilessly you crushed him like a bug!

Shadow looks into the heart of the fire.

Shadow: I only see red.

Snively: (evil) Very good, Sir, that's very good indeed.

Boom Sonic zooms to him with Sally in his arms. Sally runs to Shadow.

Sally: Shadow, it's time to go!

Shadow: No. I don't have time to be ordered around, especially by a demanding princess who can't even save her own people.

Boom Sonic: Whoa Shadow, what gives?

Shadow: What gives? I just single handedly took down the ruler of this empire and she's scolding me like a big spoiled brat!

Boom Sonic: Shadow, calm down.

Shadow: Don't tell me what to do!

Snively: That's right Sir, don't let them talk down to you!

Boom Sonic: Oh who are you? Robotnick's twerpy, little lackey?

Sally puts her hands on Shadow's shoulders and looks him deep in the eyes.

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