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I watch as they whisper to each other. Peter's eyes widen and Harry and him dispatch. Peter makes his way back over to me. "I have to go-"

"Peter, what's going on?"

"Harry needs me to see this and I may not be back. Don't wait up for me, just go home, okay?" He whispers.


"He has information that involves me and my parents, Ad. I need to leave." He leans down and kisses me. "I'm sorry." My heart breaks for him. His parents? This wasn't good.

He leaves, taking the path that Harry had taken to leave. I stand there, shocked and scared for him. What could Harry possibly have?

In the corner of my eye, I see movement. My head snaps in the direction of the intruder and I find a large, black wolf sitting in front of me. I yelp, knocking into a woman.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize and I look at her. Long black hair frames her scarred pale face and scarlet eyes burn into my soul. She makes a noise in her throat resembling a growl and moves away from me, disappearing into the crowd. I turn back to the wolf but it's gone, Peter taking it's place.

"We need to get out of here." He grabs my arm and starts dragging me away.

"You just left! Why are you back here so quickly?" I ask, confused beyond belief.

"What do you mean? I was gone for an hour. The real question is - why are you still here?" He leads me through the crowd to the elevator.

I look back and spot the wolf. For a split second, I could almost see hurt in it's eyes and I feel a strange longing to go back and comfort it.

"Peter, the wolf-"

"Addie, please. We're in serious danger just being here. We're both under surveillance."

Yeah? Tell me about it... I think, still staring at the wolf. We board the elevator and Peter addresses the woman that stands in the corner, watching us. It was the same woman I had bumped into on the balcony.

"Going down?" He asks, pressing the lobby button.

She grins maliciously. "Way down." She all but cackles.


He speeds up, focusing solely on the road. His eyes stare ahead, glossy and distracted. I hold on for dear life, glancing at his speedometer - he's going at least 80. If he doesn't slow down, it could cost us our lives.

"Peter-" I try, the panic evident in my shaking voice. He may be Spider-Man, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he can save us from a car accident.

"Shut up." He practically growls. I haven't seen him this shaken up since the death of his uncle, but that was months ago.

We sit in silence. I know that's all he wants, but I want answers, along with a long life filled with amazing opportunities that I won't be able to experiance if he doesn't slow the f**k down!

"Peter-" I try again, my voice trembling uncontrollably. The ache in my stomach vanishes, my heart racing.

"Shut up!" He yells and something inside of me snaps, turning to him.

"No, you shut up!" I scream at him. His eyes flash and he slams on the brakes. My head collides with the dashboard and then into the window as the car skitters across the snowy road, stopping just in front of a dark alleyway.

As my hearing hones in on the screeching of the tires, images flash in my mind - images of a tall man with greasy raven hair, a blonde prince, a loyal ginger with a syapthetic face and attitude, a bulky man in a star-spangled uniform and one last man with interesting facial hair, glaring at me from behind a robotic mask as he soars off into the night sky. Finally, the raven prince flashes back, whispering in my ear:

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now