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(There's some smut i'm here, not that much but there will be ⚠️warning signs⚠️ when it comes!)

Prom. Even though Jisung probably wouldn't have a date, he was still gonna go with Felix and Seungmin, just for fun.
It would've been a lie if Jisung said he wasn't nervous. He was quite nervous even though he breathed in and out and told himself to CALM DOWN. Jisung had the poster board in his hands as well as some balloons he has bought earlier today. Once again, it was free period, where everyone had their own free time outside.

"Cmon guys! Let's go!" Felix called out to Jisung and Seungmin.

"HOLD ON LEMME FUCKING GET MY STUFF TOGETHER!" Seungmin yelled at Felix while he tugged at Seungmin's arm.

"LET GO BITCH, CALM THYSELF!" Seungmin yanked his arm out of Felix's grasp.

"Damn okay" Felix fake cried while Seungmin ignored.

"Okay i'm done, now we can go." Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"Hehe." Jisung said as he and Felix dragged Seungmin outside.

"Okay guys so imma ask Minho out and i'm so nervous.." Jisung said.

"Okay shut up about that, you've told us at least 50 times in the past hour istg." Felix said.


"Same thing goes for you."

"Whatever, good luck to me!"

Jisung looked around to find Minho and found him in an instant, there were quite a lot of girls and very few boys around Minho, asking him out to prom.

"Minho oppa!! Will you go out to prom with me?" A girl blew a kiss towards Minho while she made sure her boobs and ass were very visible.

[I just cringed so hard ew] Jisung thought.

"Sure baby." Minho smirked and leaned forward to kiss the girl while everyone was shocked.

"Sike." Minho shoved the girl away.

"Try again next time bitch." Minho laughed.

"UGH!" The girl stomped away while tears formed in her eyes.

"Minho! Go out with me to prom?" A boy said.

"Hmm.." Minho said as he observed the boy.

"No, ew you stink, bye bye." Minho pinched his nose.

"How rude!" The boy glared and walked away.

Jisung had to wait FOREVER but now was his chance to ask Minho out.

"Minho!!" Jisung said happily.

"Oh boy not again.." Minho mumbled to himself.

"Will you go out to prom with me?~~" Jisung asked as he held up the poster board and balloons.

"Nope." Minho grabbed the poster board and ripped it in half.

"Nope." Minho popped one of the balloons.

"Nope." Minho popped another balloon.

"Anndddd nope. Bye." Minho popped the last balloons before leaving.

"Hmph." Jisung pouted as everyone around laughed.

• • •

It was now the end of the day. Jisung almost always stayed after school to do his homework, study, read, and do other school assignments in the library. It was almost 4:30 PM until Jisung decided he would go home, since he was getting pretty tired and the school would kick all the students out soon anyways. Jisung packed all his belongings into his backpack and got up to leave. As soon as he walked out of the library, he was dragged into another room.

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