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It's been a few days and Minho has been completely ignoring Jisung. It was Wednesday morning and Jisung was DEAD tired and did not want to get up, but he knew that he had to. It was exam week and Jisung had been studying a whole lot. He'd been studying at least 5 hours a day. He hasn't been noticing things happening around him. He was too focused on school. But he'd been thinking about Minho for a while now, wondering if he should try to talk to him during free period or lunch.
Jisung got to school a little earlier than usual, so he sat in class, with nobody in there except for one student, who was reading. He stared all around the room, very bored. Suddenly, he saw Minho walk by his classroom. Jisung shot up and ran out the door.
"Minho!" Jisung yelled. Minho looked back and turned back around, to start walking forward again, ignoring Jisung.

"Minho! Please talk to me.. Why have you been ignoring me?" Jisung ran up to Minho and grabbed his wrist.

Minho turned around, "I can't right now, leave me alone." He tried to get out of Jisung's grip, but couldn't.

"When will you?" Jisung asked.

"Never. Sorry Jisung. Let me go." Minho said with cold eyes.
Jisung frowned and slowly let go of Minho. He turned back around and walk away from Jisung. Jisung sighed as more students filled the hallways. He walked back to the classroom and sat down, laying his head on his desk with a frown.
Finally, it was lunch.

"Jisung!" Felix yelled from the other side of the cafeteria.
Jisung sprinted towards Felix.

"Seungmin isn't here today, he told me he got sick." Felix said and frowned.

"Awh. Do you think we can visit him after school?" Jisung said.

"Sorry can't, i have to study a lot, plus i have homework to do."

"Yeah.. You're right. Let's sit down. I don't feel like eating right now."


"I have some tea." Jisung said and sat down at a table.

"What happened?"

"I tried talking to Minho today, guess what he did?"


"He ignored me and told me to go away!" Jisung pouted.

"Damn. What happened between you two?" Felix asked.

"I don't know!? He wouldn't talk to be after that date. I'm starting to get a feeling he just used me for a little before shoving me away."

"Awh! Jisung don't say that. I'm sure it's for personal reasons. I think he'll tell you one day. I believe so."

"I don't know Felix.. If he wants me out of his way, then i'll be out of his way." Jisung rested his hand on his palm while staring at the table.

"I'll do something about this. I cant stand seeing my best friend being sad.." Felix muttered.

"What?" Jisung asked and looked at Felix.

"Oh.. Its nothing."

End of chapter!!
I hope you enjoy this chapterrrr although it's pretty trashy.
I promise later in the future my chapters will have more "action" i guess XDDDD
Anyways sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter!!
I love you guys, don't forget to vote ! ❤️
I'll see you in the next chapter 💕💘💘💓

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