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"Sigh. Here we go again.." Seungmin said as Felix agreed.
The past few weeks, Jisung has brought a flirtatious present to Minho, one of the baddest boys and player in the school.
He'd do this about once a week though.
Seungmin and Hyunjin don't understand why Jisung was doing this. They thought this was just to play around, but they weren't too sure what was happening between them.
Every time Jisung brought something to Minho, he would reject Jisung in a harsh way. One time, Jisung brought cookies that spelled out "I Love You" to Minho, and Minho destroyed the cookies, and he threw it at Jisung, which made a huge mess. After he'd destroy whatever Jisung had for him, he'd tell him to "fuck off." These harsh words and actions never really bothered Jisung. Jisung was so confident that he knew one day, Minho would fall for him, without a doubt.
Today, it was Minho's birthday. How did Jisung know? Well, more like how did the whole school know. Minho was a very mysterious guy, but people still manage to learn lots about him.
For Minho's birthday, Jisung made a large red velvet cake, with red and white frosting. His mother helped him, but she did not exactly know why Jisung had to make this fancy cake. Jisung's family was quite rich, so Jisung had no problem with buying fancy and expensive things for this cake. Jisung even added in edible gold leaves and edible pearls. And on the top of the cake, the words "Happy Birthday" were frosted onto the cake, as well as a big red heart. This took Jisung about 6 hours to bake and decorate.
It was during free period when most of the girls of the school brought Minho some type of present for his birthday.
Of course, he rejected everyone's present and shooed then away.
Jisung didn't hesitate to walk up to Minho and offer the cake, while Jisung's best friends, Seungmin and Felix watched.

"Happy Birthday Minho~" Jisung said as he placed the cake on his desk and blew him a kiss.

"Ugh, you again. Squirrel lookin ass." Minho said and looked at the cake.

"Why do you keep doing this shit? This cake looks awful." Minho said and shoved the cake off the desk.

Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, Felix, and a few other students watched as the cake fell and splattered all over the tiled floor.

"Oops. I guess you gotta clean that up." Minho shrugged as he got up and walked away.

"Okay!" Jisung said as he grabbed some paper towels to wipe up the cake off the floor and throwing it into the trash.
He finished cleaning it off with a mop.

"Guess all that time spent on that is wasted. Oh well." Jisung shrugged and walked out of the classroom like nothing happening.

"Welp. I'm not surprised that Minho did that." Felix sighed as he watched Jisung leave the room.

"Yeeaahhh.. Poor Jisung. Let's go after him." Seungmin said and Felix nodded.

They ran after jisung and caught up a few seconds later.

"Hey Jisung!"

"Jisung!" Felix and Seungmin said at the same time.

Jisung turned his head towards the two and smiled.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Jisung said and walked beside Seungmin.

"Why do you keep giving Minho presents? Isn't it obvious that he's just gonna ruin it?" Seungmin asked.

"I'll tell you guys later, but it doesn't matter if he throws it away, destroys it, whatever, I don't really care." Jisung chuckled.

"But shouldn't you stop doing this?" Felix asked.

"Nah." Jisung replied.

"Why not?" Felix asked.

"I have my reasons. Let's get back to class though, class will be starting soon." Jisung said.

Felix and Seungmin nodded.

End of chapter!
I hope y'all are enjoying the beginning of this fanfic
sorry if there are any grammar or spelling errors 😅
I'll see you guys in the next chapter :)
Instagram: Yeoxsang

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