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It was the next day and everyone got up at 10 AM. Jisung's parents have bought Minho and Jisung proper attire for the funeral.

Jisung was really not wanting to go to his brothers funeral, because he knew he would break down in front of everyone when speaking on the podium, to send prayers and love to his brother

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Jisung was really not wanting to go to his brothers funeral, because he knew he would break down in front of everyone when speaking on the podium, to send prayers and love to his brother. At least Minho was going to be there to comfort him. Everyone got into the rented car, and made their way to a church, where the funeral will be held, and after that, they would move along to a graveyard to bury Jisung's brother. Mrs. Han had a bouquet of beautiful flowers to put on his grave.

Jisung didn't speak to Minho so far today, and Minho doubted Jisung would be talking to him for the rest of the day

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Jisung didn't speak to Minho so far today, and Minho doubted Jisung would be talking to him for the rest of the day.
It was a 20 minute drive to the church, which seemed like forever to Jisung. They got out of the car and not many people were there. Only about 15 people were coming. Some of the Han family's relatives, Hwangjoong's friends, and some of the doctors/nurses who took care of Hwanjoong (i think that's the name of "jisung's brother" and i'm too lazy to go check sooo LOL). When they entered the church, they were hit with a very tense and saddening atmosphere. The church was small and old, so it made it feel even more saddening.
But there it was. On the stage part of the church was the casket, with Hwanjoong Jisung's heart was beating, although his heart felt dead and broken. He felt like he could barely breathe. The air felt dense and suffocating. Jisung wanted to go back. He doesn't wanna see this happen. He loves his brother so much but he can't stand seeing his lifeless body.  Jisung was shaking, afraid he would pass out from seeing his dead brothers body.
Minho notice Jisung wasn't moving and he was just frozen in place. He was shaking and Minho felt bad. Minho stood in front of Jisung and hugged him.

"Breathe in and out Jisung. It's going to be okay."

Jisung hugged back, and did as told. He breathed in and breathed out to attempt to slightly calm him. Minho let go of Jisung.

"It'll be okay." Minho patted Jisung on the shoulder. "Cmon lets sit down."

Jisung nodded and sat down near the back row of the seats that were arranged. Minho sat next to him and held his hand.
Mrs. Han walked up to them and gave Jisung a pack of tissues.

"Just incase you need it." She said and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks.." Jisung said, sounding like he was gonna break any moment.

Minho sighed, worrying about Jisung because they haven't done anything yet. Yet, Jisung was close to breaking.

Once everyone was situated, the funeral started. People took turns speaking on the podium, most of them crying, some of them keeping it in. When it was Jisung's turn, he panicked. He didn't want to do it. But he didn't wanna be rude. It was a choice if he could do it or not. He really didn't want to, but it was his own damn brother for heavens sake.

"I'll go with you." Minho said.

Jisung looked at Minho with fear in his eyes, but nodded. They both got up, Minho closely following Jisung up to the podium. The closer they got, the more they could see Hwanjoong. Jisung didn't look, he knew he would pass out if he did, so he kept his head low. Minho had a quick look at the casket. Hwanjoong was really pale. He looked so.. dead. He looked so lifeless and it kind of scared him a bit. Jisung got behind the podium and adjusted the mic. Minho put his arm around Jisung's waist and waited till Jisung started.

"H-Hello. I'm Han Jisung. The o-older brother of Han Hwangjoong.. Hwangjoong was such a great brother. He w-was s-so s-sweet.." Jisung paused to blink away his tears.
"We would play together all the time, and we would just do everything together. I-I l-loved him so much. M-my heart w-was broken w-when i heard h-he had a really s-severe con-condition.." Jisung wiped away a few tears that were falling. "I know h-he'll be always w-watching over m-me.. And everyone. I w-wish h-him a g-great afterlife." Jisung stopped speaking after a bit and bowed at the small crowd before breaking down.

Minho frowned and rubbed Jisung's back, before leading him back to their seats. Jisung sat back down and took out some tissues. He silently cried into them, completely wetting them. Minho rubbed Jisung's back, letting him cry it all out.

About an hour later, everyone was dismissed so they could go to the assigned graveyard. The Han family and Minho got into the car and drove to the grave cite which was 30 minutes away. A van carried the casket of Hwanjoong. A few police cars and motorcycles protected it while going on the highway. Minho made sure Jisung was okay. He had stopped crying after 10 minutes, but looked like any movement or touch could make him bawl out again. Jisung rested his head on Minho's shoulder while clinging onto his arm.
They finally got there and got out of the car. They made their way to the largely dug up hole, where the casket would be placed in. People were surrounding it, and people were passing out a single white rose to later put inside the casket. Everyone did one last prayer, and made a line to put the rose around Hwanjoong's body. Minho put his in, and shivers were sent up his spine. It was pretty scary, looking at a dead body. The body was dressed in a clean white tuxedo. Jisung hesitantly put the rose in, and managed to not pass out or start sobbing. Once everyone was done, they closed up the casket, and began to slowly move it down until it hit the bottom of the hole. Then they soon started to pour dirt over the hole to patch it up. It took 5 minutes. Most people already left, but the Han family stayed to put their bouquet of roses  into the little compartment so it was nicely shown. The people put a grave stone on it which read, "Here lies Han Hwanjoong. 2003-2019. Loving son and brother. Rest In Peace."
Mrs. Han soon placed the flowers near the grave and shed a few tears. Mr. Han comforted her while also staring at the grave.

"Do you want to go wait in the car?" Minho asked.

Jisung replied with a nod. Minho took Jisung's hand and lead him back to the car, sitting next to him in the backseat.

"Hey," Minho said and Jisung looked at him, "tomorrow is our last day in America. I want you to be happy. Let's make tomorrow great. Okay? We'll spend the whole day shopping and eating together. I'll do everything you want me to do or go anywhere you want. B-But i cant drive so you'll have to drive us." Minho chuckled awkwardly.

Jisung just gave a small smile and nodded. Jisung rested his head on Minho's shoulder and closed his eyes. He was tired from crying and being sad. He just wanted to sleep and wish his worries away with Minho. Jisung trusted Minho and felt like Minho would do anything to make him happy. He loved Minho so much. And he wishes he could be with Minho until their last breaths.

End of chapter!
Sad chapter againnnn ;c
I hope you enjoyed it!!
Sorry if there are any mistakesssss
I love you guys and please vote! it's highly appreciated 💘💘
I'll see you guys in the next chapter 💘💕
Instagram: Yeoxsang

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