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Mrs. Han woke the two up before leaving to do some funeral business with her husband. But of course, she couldn't help but die at the cuteness of Minsung cuddling together in bed. The parents agreed that they would let Minho and Jisung go do whatever they wanted for the day. Mrs. Han also gave them four 50 American dollar bills.
The funeral was scheduled for tomorrow, so they basically had the whole day together.
It was 9:30 AM and Minho was thinking about where they could possibly go in this unknown environment.

They were actually in California, so there were endless places to go. But, Jisung said he wasn't in the mood to go anywhere, so they stayed at the hotel, but requested they should go shopping for clothes and other things on their last day.
They were both very hungry, so they decided to go to the first floor, where there was a built in restaurant.
Jisung did all the talking, because Minho wasn't as good at English as Jisung was.

"What do you want?" Jisung asked Minho.

"Uh. I guess we can share some pancakes. And i also want an iced coffee." Jisung replied.

"Okay, can we have an order of the pancakes, with 2 medium iced coffees?" Jisung said in english.

"Okay, will it be here or to go?" The man asked.

"To go."

"Your total will be $12.50."

Jisung nodded and took out his wallet. He grabbed one of the 50 dollar bills and handed it to the man.

The man took the bill and sorted out $37.50 to give to Jisung.

"Thank you, it will be ready in 5 minutes." The man said.

"Thanks." Jisung said and almost bowed, but then remembered there was no need to in America.

"Your english is so good. Mine is bad." Minho frowned.

"It's okay man, i got chu." Jisung patted Minho's back.

They both sat down at a nearby couch and waited for their food.

"Let's take a selfie." Jisung said.

"Why? I'm looking trash right now."

"No you don't, you look fine. Pleasseeee..?" Jisung insisted.

"Okay fine fine fine. Anything for you." Minho poked Jisung's cheek.

"Yay cool." Jisung said and took out his phone to take a selfie with Minho.

" Jisung said and took out his phone to take a selfie with Minho

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"Oh gosh i look so bad.." Minho chuckled while looking at photo.

"You look l realllyyy gooooddd babeee."

"Wow you say not to call you babe, yet you're now calling me babe."

"Oh shut up." Jisung rolled his eyes.

Their order eventually got called, so they took their food and went back to their hotel room.
Once they got in the hotel room, they turned on the tv and took out their meal. It came with a small container of syrup, which Minho poured all over the pancakes. Sadly, it only came with one pack of plasticware, meaning there was only 1 spoon, 1 knife, and 1 fork.

"Man there's only one fork!" Jisung complained.

"It's fineeee you can feed me with the same fork!" Minho replied with a grin.

"Nahhh it's fine, i'll just take the spoon."

"Noooo, I want you to feed me pls."

"Fine you big rat."

"Not funny." Minho made an annoyed face.

"Never said it was."

"Whatever." Minho said.

Jisung broke off a piece of pancake and fed Minho.

"Whoa American pancakes are pretty good." Minho said while munching on it.

Jisung ate a piece, and replied with, "You're right."

Whatever was on tv, Minho could barely understand the words. Unlike Minho, Jisung understood a lot of the words and would laugh every once in a while.
They finished eating their pancakes and finished drinking their coffee, so they threw their trash in the bin and got comfy in bed.

"Ah hah!" Minho said while looking at Jisung's neck.

"What?" Jisung furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's still there hehe." Minho said and pointed at Jisung's neck.

"What?" Jisung asked, still in confusion.

"The mark i made."

"Oh. OH. Shit i hope no one noticed." Jisung made a 😳 face.

"I hope they did notice."

"Huh why??"

"So they know you're mine."

"We're not even together!" Jisung blushed.

"Yet." Minho giggled. "Speaking of that, lemme lift up your shirt."

"What! No!"


Jisung frowned, "Fine."

"Hehe." Minho took the blanket off of Jisung, which was covering most of his body, and lifted his shirt up. Minho was very satisfied with the marks he put on Jisung the night before. "Beautiful."

"S-Shut up." Jisung blushed and pulled his shirt back down.

"You cutie." Minho aggressively squished Jisung's cheeks.

"Ow." Jisung rubbed his cheeks afterwards.

The whole day, they spent their time watching tv and chatting with each other. Their parents came back at around 9, and wished the children goodnight.

End of chapter!
Sorry this was kinda boring, it was a little bit rushed too >-<
Sorry if there are any mistakes!
I love you guys, don't forget to vote plsss
I'll see you in the next chapter ❤️
Instagram: Yeoxsang

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