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"Junhee is the hottest dude i've ever seen!" Jisung said as he continued to slowly move through traffic.

"Hot? Him? Nah. Byeongkwan is the shit. He's hot as hell." Minho rolled his eyes.

"I wish i could marry Junhee. His vocals are amazing and he's just so amazing."

"Not as amazing as me." Minho crossed his arms and gave Jisung a disgusted look.

"Nah nah nah." Jisung laughed.

"Junhee is not as good looking as me nor is he as amazing!"

"Yes he is. He's better looking than you and more amazing."


"Are you jealous?"

"U-Ym! No. W-why would i be???" Minho stuttered.

"You're acting like it hehe."

"I-I'm not! I'm just stating to facts!"

"Whatever you say." Jisung chuckled.

Another hour passed and Minsung finally got home.
Jisung got out of the car as well as Minho.

"Let's get started on the assignments. We don't have much time before everything is due." Jisung said.

"Yeah, sure." Minho replied.

Jisung opened the door to the house and took off his shoes, "Im home mom!"

"Hi honey. Welcome home." Mrs. Han replies back, but she didn't sound like her usual happy self.

Minho also took off his shoes and closed the door behind them.
Jisung face was covered in worry after hearing his mother replied back with a sad response.
Jisung walked to the kitchen to find his father and mother sitting at the table. There was much tension between his parents and the surrounding area felt tense and uncomfortable.
Minho notice the tension and excused himself and went up to his room, leaving Jisung and his parents alone in the kitchen.

"What's going on..?" Jisung asked.

"Sit down son." Mr. Han said.

Jisung did as told and sat down in front of his mom.

"You know your brother has been away in America for treatment of his condition right?" His dad asked.

"Y-Yea.." Jisung gulped.

"He p-passed away a few hours ago." His mother said and lowered her head.

Jisung didn't tell anyone about his younger brother. He had a really deadly condition. He had to go to America to attempt to treat it. He's been away for a years, but it never got any better. It had recently only gotten worse. He didn't like to bring up about his brother because it was really personal to him and he'd tear up if he ever spoke about him. He was 3 years younger than him. They'd always play together when they were younger, until he started showing signs that he wasn't doing well. His lungs and throat would swell up randomly at times, and it would be really bad. Parts of his body would start to swell and rash, making it really uncomfortable and painful. He had to have special treatment to hopefully help his condition. Jisung loved his brother to death, and hearing about him passing away at such a young age, tore his heart apart.
Jisung was silent, afraid he would burst out in tears if he opened his mouth. His heart started to fall apart and his eyes slowly tested up.

"We're going to America next week for his funeral. Minho can tag along as well. He's family now too." Mrs. Han said.

"O-Okay.." Jisung choked out and a few tears fell.

"There's food in the fridge if you're hungry." Mrs. Han said and kissed Jisung's forehead.

Jisung nodded and got up.

Minho heard everything and waited for Jisung at the top of the stairs.

Jisung started to sniffle and hiccup. He slowly walked up the stairs and found Minho waiting at the top. Jisung finished walking up the stairs and Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung. Jisung hugged back and started to sob into his arms.
Minho stroked the back of Jisung's head and back. Jisung clutched on Minho's clothing and cried even harder.
Minho bent down slightly and picked up Jisung. Minho walked over to Jisung's bedroom and closed the door after he walked in. Minho set the younger down on the bed, but when Minho tried to release from the hug, Jisung only held tighter.

"Jisung, baby, let go for a second." Minho said.

Jisung slightly nodded and let go.
Minho knelt down and sadly looked at Jisung. Jisung looked down as tears constantly fell down.

"Look at me baby." Minho said softly.

Jisung wiped a few of his tears and looked at Minho.

"I heard everything.." Minho said and held one of Jisung's hands.

Jisung just nodded.

"I'm so sorry.."

Jisung nodded again, "It's o-okay. None of my friends know about my younger brother. They didn't even know i have siblings. I always lied to them that i didn't have any. He had a deadly condition, that's why he had to get treatment in America. I loved him so much. I still can't believe he passed.. I haven't face-to-face talked to him in years. I only texted him every once in a while. His name was Hwanjoong. He use to play together all the time. I was always there for me. He was such a bright child." Jisung softly said started to let out more tears.

Minho wiped Jisung's tears with his thumb and continued to listen about his brother.

"He loved to sing. I'd always catch him singing in the mirror with a toothbrush in his hand as well as dancing." Jisung chuckled but frowned afterwards. "He said when he grows up, he wanted to be a famous singer. And he wanted to help people's dreams come true. He loved everyone. He also always thought bad guys had a good heart on the inside. Gosh i cant believe he's gone. My little brother is gone." Jisung held Minho's tighter and shut his eyes.

Minho could feel Jisung's pain. He knows the pain of losing someone you love. Minho almost started crying, saddened by the sight of Jisung's heart breaking.

"Come here.." Minho whispered and brought Jisung into another hug.

Jisung hugged back and cried into Minho's shoulder.
Minho picked up Jisung so they could both lay comfortably in the bed. Minho's arms were still protectively around Jisung. He grabbed the blanket and covered the both of them.
It was silent, besides the soft whimpers and hiccups from Jisung.
Jisung's head was buried in Minho's chest, and Minho was resting his head on top of Jisung's.
Minho stroked Jisung's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. Just let it all out."

End of chapter!
Sad chapter :c
I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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It's very much appreciated:))
Sorry if there are any mistakes
See you in the next chapter 💕💕
Instagram: Yeoxsang

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