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Jisung woke up a couple hours later and felt much better than he did before. He shoved the blanket off of himself and sat up. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

"Felix." Jisung said to himself and texted Felix back.


hii. sorry i wasn't at school
today. i got sick

i had to sleep outside because
i was locked out of my house
and i guess i caught a cold
but i'll be back tomorrow

oooh i see
i hope you're feeling better
jisung, minho, and i were worried!
but i also have your homework and
some notes we took today.

minho? why minho?
and thanks

well i dunno if he was "worried"
but he asked if seungmin and i
knew where we were XD
and i gtg or i'll get caught in class

alright! you and seungmin can come
over later today if you want

"Psst, Seungmin!" Felix whispered to his seat mate.

"What?" Seungmin asked.

"Jisung is okay, he said he got sick so he stayed home."

"Oh okay." Seungmin said and turned his attention back to his teacher.

Ring Ring Ring!

"Hey! The bell does not dismiss you, i do. Sit DOWN!" The teacher demanded.

"Jeez then why is it called a dismissal bell..." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Jeongin!" The teacher said.

"U-Um yes!?" Jeongin replied.

"Pass out these papers. Okay everyone, you have 4 sheets of math homework due TOMORROW. Don't finish it, you get a hour of detention. Once you get your papers, you may be dismissed." The teacher said and handed Jeongin a whole bunch of papers.

"Ugghhhhh.. We already have like 5 sheets of shit in all the other subjects and now more homework! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!" Felix cried.

"Would you like more homework Felix?" The teacher warned.

"N-No!!! Sorry!" Felix replied.

"Loser." Seungmin laughed.

Jeongin finished passing out all the papers and everyone left the classroom.
Felix took out his phone and went to his messages with Jisung.

"Oo! Jisung said we can come over to his house. Wanna go?" Felix asked.

"Hm. I guess. But we're gonna have to walk there which is gonna take forever but welp." Seungmin replies.

"You right. But it's worth it." Felix said and opened the front door to the school.


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