I had to be dreaming about everything, nothing made sense to me.

Miles didn't just kiss me.

I didn't just kiss Miles.

I touched my slightly swollen bottom lip that was still sore from his skilled lips on them only a hour ago.

Now we were in group therapy and I was in my regular seat around the circle while another one of the crazies talked.

I felt eyes on me, I met the intruder.


His eyes were drawn to me and he had a smirk on his face.

My eyes grew wide and I removed my hands quickly and put them under my thigh as I tried to pay attention.

"Evie? Care to speak today? Anything you care to share with the group?"

I shook my head no and then Miles let out a low but loud enough chuckle to make the group look his way. When he saw he created attention he cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair before standing up.

"Wby do we keep doing these group sessions? We get it we're all fucking crazy! What's the point though? Are we growing from this? Do we see real life change from group therapy with a bunch of other crazies, huh Ms.Fox? Tell me, how many times have you told me Miles you're disorder isn't what defines you it's the way you treat yourself that excudes for others to see who you are. Well Ms. Fox i have bipolar disorder along with impulsivity problems I'm not fixable or can be maintained because I don't want to be! Evie is a manic depressive person who has died twice after plunging a cutting knife into her chest towards her heart she also has major anger issues that cause be to become a danger to herself and others around her when pushed to far. . Max he is a complete sociopath! I'm sure he's the next Ted bundy and you guys are failing. Do you get you're all failing! Not us, we know who and what we are your all trying to change us!" Miles was now in the middle of the group and he was facing Ms. Fox who was just watching him and holding her clipboard to his chest.

Miles looked at Max, who was smiling with his gapped teeth showing as he gave him a dab.

Max was a sociopath who attacked his step father and he was found shaving his head with a butcher knife after tying him up in the living room. Max mother died after overdosing on heroine right in-front of him. He was only 10 when it happened the system gave him to his stepdad who would beat max and rumor has it sell him for drugs till one day he snapped.

Miles looked over at me, we never spoke but he winked at me before he went back into his seat.

My head was spinning and I hated that I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

I pulled my sweater to over half my face.

Ms.Fox cleared her throat before standing and she went to speak when the timer went off. The group all cleared out so quickly it was like there was a fire in the room or something. I of course stood behind and walked out heading to the cafeteria alone as usual.

Expect I felt an arm around my waist pull me towards one of the closed doors.

"What— the" before I could finish I saw the art supplies all over he place and the murals on the huge wall.

The expression wall.

I turned around instantly being met with Miles chest directly in front of me.

I let out a small breath as I felt him hovering over me, his baby blues just piercing my forehead.

My mouth grew dry and my core grew soaking.
What the hells going on with my body?
Why is it being so responsive towards MILES?!

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