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jaemin raised his phone for renjun to see a message of someone jaemin surely doesn't know but renjun clearly familiarized as his name was clearly stated on the message.

raising an eyebrow, jaemin gave his best friend a look. "and what is the meaning of this, again, mister?"

renjun just let out an awkward chuckle and was about to run off when jaemin grabbed on his hoodie tight. "explain"

frowning, the older but smaller faced his best friend. "i might did my tactics like before?"

jaemin can't help but sigh on what renjun said. "how many times do i have to tell you not to give my number if someone asked for yours?"

"jeno asked for mine but you know that things are going smoothly between me and lucas. i don't want someone to interrupt us." whining, renjun looked up to jaemin with a pout on his face, trying to act cute. "i'm sorry"

the younger just shook his head then turned to sit on the couch.

it's weekend and unlike the usual hangout day, the two decided to just spend their day inside their not-so-big but definitely cozy apartment.

it was a silent morning for the best friends for they were spending their time inside the kitchen, experimenting old to new foods when jaemin's phone lit and sound up, notifying someone messaged him.

it surely isn't his brother, yuta, for the older was not a morning person. it's not his mother too because it's still saturday and his mother usually messages him every sunday. and, of course, it's not renjun for the boy was beside him in the kitchen. this made jaemin thought who would've messaged him.

from: 010-0783-xxx
renjun right?

and that's how renjun found himself clinging into jaemin, asking for forgiveness.

this episodes happen everytime renjun gave out jaemin's number instead of his when someone asked. it's usually because he doesn't like or feel the person or he already gave out his number to someone special.

"nana, i'm sorry. this won't happen again. ever." renjun kept on pleading his best friend to forgive him.

"you told me that last year but then you did it again this time. injun, i kept on changing numbers because of this. now, i only have you, hyung, and mom in my contacts" jaemin looked at renjun, frowning.

"that's why i'm sorry. promise, this is really the last time i will give out your number." looking so confident, renjun stood up straight in front of the younger as he raised his right hand for pledge. "i, huang renjun, solemnly swear to my moomin's that this is the last time that i will give out my best friend's, na jaemin, number to anyone who ask for mine. so help me moomin."

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