↳ twenty three

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jaemin covered his ears for the nth time when the girls, also watching the practice, shouted for also the nth time

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jaemin covered his ears for the nth time when the girls, also watching the practice, shouted for also the nth time.

when him and jeno arrived in the court, they were only a few people either watching or just there to sit by the benches. but when the practice game started, a tons of girls arrived carrying banners with them. the basketball players' name written on it, jaemin thought, but mostly jeno's name and face.

he can't help but roll his eyes secretly or else he'll face trouble.

"GO JENO!!!"

facing the opposite side, jaemin covered his ears again. the girls were literally just two benches away from him and he's the closest to them. pray for his ears.

"why am i here again?" jaemin rolled his eyes and just watched the practice game in front of him to distract from all the screaming and shouting from the neighboring bench.

well now it made sense to jaemin why the girls were shouting their lungs out. the lee jeno was being a show off himself. jaemin's hated the screams from the girls even more now.

jeno was just normally playing the game. throwing shots that definitely goes in, jogging around as he tried to steal the ball from other players, messing his hair whenever his misses a shot and whenever he throws outside the circle and goes in, the curve of his lips would rose up.

not that jaemin was watching his every move and even noticed the slightest movement of jeno. really no. he's just an observant. side eyes.

jaemin was pulled out from his thoughts when the girls screamed again, it's louder this time.

covering his ears, jaemin looked on jeno again and almost screamed with the girls benches away from him.

jeno was wiping his face with the hem of his shirt that made his abs suddenly have a show.

the pink haired boy didn't want to look. jeno's abs were just well formed that can be an alternative washboard. jaemin didn't want to look, really. side eyes.

minutes of malfunction, jaemin heard a whistle which means it's either break or the practice is over.

he raised up his head and saw jeno walking towards his direction. jaemin's cheeks heated as he grabbed the said boy's bag to give it to the owner when he heard the girls from the other bench whispering loudly.

"eh? jeno's with him?"

"is he our schoolmate? i never saw him before though"

"lol maybe he's just jeno's assistant or what"

jaemin rolled his eyes again. can't they whisper any louder?

"hey, gimme my water!" he faced jeno, who's already sitting beside him, and handed him his water bottle. well, jaemin thought that the girls were right, he's indeed looked like jeno's assistant or something.

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