↳ twenty one

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from pabo:
i have practice later, i'll pick you in the room after class. come with me.

for the nth time, jaemin sighed after reading the message from jeno and thousand times. it was jeno telling him that he'll pick him up in their room after class and it was almost end of their class.

"okay that's all for today class. see you tomorrow." and mr. seo left their classroom.

quickly, jaemin packed his things and went to renjun. "faster, injun!"

renjun looked up as he slowly placed his book inside his bagpack. "why? what's the matter?"

"it's jeno. i'll explain to you later just move quickly. faster!"

renjun then moved faster and hung the strap of his bag by his shoulder and followed jaemin who already ran out the classroom. "jaemin wait up!"

walking fast, jaemin bumped into his other classmate. "hey, have you seen jeno or where he is right now?"

"i'm not sure jaem, but they have basketball practice earlier that's why he's excuse the whol- oh he's there! jeno, jaemin's looking for you."

jaemin's eyes widen when he heard his classmate called out jeno. "shut up," he shouted whispering. "renjun let's go!" jaemin then pulled renjun and run their hearts out.

arriving by the lockers, jaemin let go of renjun's hand and placed it on his chest to catch his breath. "ha, that was.. a long.. ass.. run." jaemin managed to spat out.

renjun heaved out a deep breath. "indeed a long ass run. so now, mr. na, mind to share why did we run away from mr. lee?" then crossed his arms on his chest.

the younger, fished out his phone from his pocket and opened a message before giving it to his best friend. "i don't know if i should be bothered or not."

"but clearly, you are bothered." renjun gave back the phone to the owner. "why would you run away from him if you're not bothered, right? when you could just tell him that you don't want to go."

"because i don't want to go"

"yes, you want. you want to go that's why you just run away instead of telling him you won't go."

jaemin raised his hands to stop renjun. "hold up, injun. i don't understand."

fixing himself, renjun began walking with jaemin following behind. looking like a child following his angry mother. "it's like this, nana. you, yourself, want to go but you don't want to reject jeno, so just gotta run away instead of facing him."

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