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"it's attacking again" breathes in deep.

"what did you do this time?"

"i didn't do anything." breathes in again.

"then why are you having an attack?"

that made him silent. he really actually didn't do anything. it was so sudden. he was just sitting down and few minutes after, he started breathing abnormally. he's having an attack.

"give me my bag. please." those came out breathily.

the former immediately took his bag and gave it to him.

he took out a some kind of air refiller and quickly put it inside his mouth.

after a few puffs, his breathing became normal.


"don't call me that"

putting back his stuff inside his bag, he faced his friend. "i'm fine now"

"no, you're not. stay here"

"where are you going?"

"i'm calling hyung"

"nO, WAIT"


sitting up on his bed, jaemin opened his eyes. he looked at the alarm clock placed on table beside his bed. 5:30am was displayed on it. he woke up 30 minutes before his alarm.

standing up from his bed slowly, jaemin eyed renjun who's still sleeping on the ned beside his. well, maybe breakfast is for him to make.

jaemin starts sprinting out their room, yawning, while holding his phone and another hand on his hair to ruffle.

just a typical normal day until his phone suddenly sound up.

from: j*no
pretty, good morning~ i'm outside your house.

at first glance, jaemin didn't mind it and just shrugged it off but after realizing what was the message about. "jeno's outside?"

he quickly went back to his amd renjun's shared room. "injun, injun, rED RED RED!!"

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