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it was been a week since jeno started courting renjun. the older may act weird, like just receiving the flowers, card and such that jeno gives him without saying anything and jusy thank you, but jeno didn't bother to think of that and just continued courting renjun.

it was also been a week since jeno got to talked to jaemin properly. the boy was quite busy for he was doing their project that was meant to be worked by two persons but jeno was busy courting and impressing renjun that he forgot about the project that made jaemin just do it alone. the only time that they can talk about stuffs, like renjun, was if they were inside the classroom but jaemin always tells jeno to listen to the teacher in front or else he will really end up being a student buddy. yeah, they bump into each other in the hallways but even in the hallways, it's just a short time because the younger always excuse himself saying he needed to go to the bathroom or a teacher asked to do something or he needed to go home already. jeno was confused, was jaemin avoiding him? of course, jaemin won't. why would he avoid jeno? right?

sitting in his usual spot, jeno looked at his side. jaemin's bag was there but the owner was nowhere to be found.

"where did he go, i need to ask him want other things renjun like" roaming his eyes around the classroom, jeno looked for jaemin who entered the classroom, smiling widely and laughing with one of their classroom.

jeno smiled at him, trying to catch the younger's attention but bold of him to assume. jaemin went straight to that classmate's seat and continued chatting.

okay, what?

why was jaemin there? jeno thought

a sound came out from nowhere, signifying the students that the classes will start. jeno saw jaemin stood up from sitting with their classmate before bidding a good bye, as if they won't see each other inside the classroom, and went to sit on his chair, beside jeno.

jaemin didn't look when he took a sit beside the boy who he not-so-noticed that was looking, or more like staring at him. the boy beside him was doing a good job on courting his best friend. let's just say he's happy for him. although it was all an act.


looking at his side, jaemin acted like he was surprise. "oh jeno, you're here already. i didn't saw you there" he the displayed a smile. you guys decide whether it's fake or real.

"yeah, i am already here." jeno found jaemin's action awkward and weird. but he just shrugged it off and just ask the younger his real motive. "does renjun like any other stuff more than flowers, chocolates and hand written cards?"

to tell you the truth, renjun actually found those things no fun. he just go with the flow. it was actually jaemin's thing. jaemin likes bouquet flowers, chocolates, and especially hand written cards but he haven't experienced courting so he just imagined that he was the one being courted by jeno.

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