↳ sixteen

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is it possible to look at someone worriedly even though he was eating and looking perfectly fine?

that was renjun with jaemin. jaemin was silently eating his breakfast while renjun was the one not eating and was only looking at his best friend worriedly.

is it possible?


why was jaemin eating? wasn't he crying all night? renjun even slept on the couch in the living room for he can't enter their room because of a crying jaemin inside.

jisung did tell him to comfort jaemin but renjun just shook his head and said "let him cry all he want, he will get tired"

and jaemin did stop crying. but it was almost morning and renjun woke up already to prepare breakfast since he knew jaemin can't.

and now this.

"huang renjun"

renjun got his senses back when jaemin snapped his fingers on the older's face. "oh?"

"you're spacing out and you're not even eating your food. are you okay?" jaemin went back on eating.

now it looks like it's another way around.

"huh? of course i'm okay" renjun said and starts eating as well.

renjun, since last night, wanted to ask jaemin what really happened but he's afraid that his best friend might breakdown again and he don't want to see his best friend cry.


the owner of the nickname hummed for an answer but still eating.

renjun hesitate if he should ask or not. jaemin might still be sensitive. who knows.

sighing, jaemin looked up to renjun who's staring at him. "injun i'm okay hm? i'm fine. don't worry" before letting out a smile. you decide if it's fake or not.

"are you sure? you know that i'm always here for you right? don't hesitate to tell me anything nana." renjun now can't help his mouth. he was genuinely worried for his bestfriend.

jaemin let out a chuckle before standing up and walked towards renjun's direction. "i am sure. i'm fine. so don't worry now or i'll get mad at you." who was he kidding, he can't get mad at renjun. even all those words jeno threw at him, he won't get mad at renjun. ever.

renjun stood up and wrapped his arms around jaemin's waist to hug him. jaemin smiled before hugging renjun back, wrapping his arms around the petite figure of his best friend.

"injun, what's this?"

"shut up. don't act like you don't know what hug is."

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