Scent Of Missing Someone

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Warnings: Kind of sad, no one is dead, missing someone

Sypnosis: Every time Roman is out on a long adventure, Virgil goes into Roman's room to do something in particular.


It's been four days since Roman left to go on some sort of adventure. Everyone carried on doing what they do best. Everyone except Virgil, of course.

Virgil always sat in his room, doing nothing. But at night, he would go to Roman's room. He would always do one thing when he missed Roman.


It was finally nighttime, everyone was bound to be asleep. Virgil was in his own purple sweatshirt that was way too big for him. Virgil grabbed his stuffed cat, Midnight. (*cough*totallynotareference*cough*)

Virgil crept down the hallway, holding Midnight close to his chest. He kept all his senses open for any danger. Sometimes creatures from Nightmare Island would escape and haunt the dreams of everyone.

Virgil found the door to Roman's room. He opened the door slowly. Everything was dark. Virgil felt around for the fairy lights switch. He flicked it on and red and purple lights lit up the room.

Virgil remembered a year ago when he and Roman were looking for new decorations for Roman's room. Roman gave Virgil a list and said to pick out a few things he liked. Virgil thought it was weird, considering the decorations were for Roman and not him. He did it anyways and the fairy lights definitely caught Virgil's eye. He used to have fairy lights in his own room, but they were destroyed from a loose wire catching on fire. Virgil was surprised when Roman said his choice was perfect. He even asked what color to make them. Roman made them red and purple because he wanted to remember that Virgil helped him.

Virgil shut the door quietly and put Midnight on a beanbag chair in the middle of the room. Virgil went over to Roman's dresser, opened a drawer, and grabbed a red shirt with a purple rose on it. It was Virgil's favorite shirt. He got it for Roman on his birthday. When Roman opened it, Virgil was bombarded with a thousand kisses, even though it was actually fifty. Roman would always wear it.

Virgil lied the shirt on half the beanbag. Virgil sat down on the other side and grabbed Midnight. Virgil pulled both the shirt and Midnight close. Virgil could still smell Roman's scent on the shirt. A low rumble came from Virgil as he started purring and nuzzling the shirt, trying to get as close as possible to it. There was still a smile and a few tears on Virgil's face, as he started to doze off.


Roman closed the doors to the imagination. He limped slowly through the hall while holding his left shoulder. There was blood seeping through his shirt and staining onto his hand. There was a cluster of expert Dragonwitches. They almost wiped out a whole kingdom. One of them got close to the prince and scratched his shoulder. There was now a long scar that he would have to patch up.

'Unless my little dark cloud of abomination can do it.' Roman thought. He smiled at the thought of his love instantly hugging and kissing him.

Roman finally got to his door and instantly saw that there was a dim light coming from under the doorway.

'That's weird... I thought I shut off all my lights before I left.'

Roman opened the door and saw a sleeping Virgil lying on a beanbag. He closed the door and limped up to the sleeping figure. He saw that Virgil had his stuffed cat, Midnight, and a... shirt?

Roman looked closely at the red shirt. It had something purple on it. Roman realized what it was. The red shirt with a purple rose on it. It was Roman's favorite shirt in his dresser. It was comfortable, it fit him perfectly, and it was gifted to him from his beloved boyfriend.

Sleeping Virgil shuffled closer to the shirt and hugged it. He quietly sniffed it and smiled.

Roman didn't know how to feel. How long has his love been doing this?

Roman shook his head and slowly walked over to the bathroom where he washed his wounds and patched up only the reachable spots. He changed into a tank top and sweatpants. He limped over to where Virgil was on the floor.

'The floor must be uncomfortable and dirty.' Roman thought. He decided to carefully pick up Virgil and carry him to the bed. Roman put Virgil down on the bed. He walked to the other side of the bed and lied down next to Virgil. He snapped his fingers and the fairy lights turned off. Except for a bundle that hung over the bed. Roman pulled the covers over him and Virgil and cuddled closer to him. He slowly wrapped his arms around Virgil. Virgil instinctively wrapped his arms around Roman's neck. Roman smiled and began to doze off.

The bundle of fairy lights twinkled above the bed. The shape represented the love between Creativity and Anxiety.

A heart with a spark in the middle.


861 words

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