Dancing In The Sunset

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Virgil was in the imagination watching the sun go down. He felt lonely and bored. He wanted to do something... anything.

"What are you doing out here?" A voice asked behind him. Virgil turned and saw Roman.

"Oh, I'm just bored... that's all." Virgil said.

"Really? Well... I was planning on practicing. How about you practice with me?"

"Practice what?"

"Dancing, of course!" Roman summoned a boombox. "So, what do you say?"

"I mean... I guess." Virgil shrugged.

"Wonderful!" Roman grabbed Virgil's hand. He turned on the boombox and slow music began to play. "Hope you don't mind if it's a little slow for your liking."

"Whatever..." Virgil rolled his eyes. He put his right arm out and Roman got behind him. He also put his right arm out and put it under Virgil's. Virgil put his left arm out and Roman copied and intertwined his hand with Virgil's.

 Virgil put his left arm out and Roman copied and intertwined his hand with Virgil's

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"You know, you look amazing all of the time." Roman smiled. Virgil got flustered and accidentally stepped on Roman's foot. Roman winced.

"Ah, s-sorry!" Virgil stuttered.

"It's fine," Roman said. Then Virgil tripped on something and fell. Roman caught him. "Wow, you're very clumsy this evening."


"It's all good, emo nightmare." Roman pulled him up and the song ended. Roman snapped his fingers and the boombox disappeared. "I had fun. We should do this again sometime."

"Really? But... I was horrible." Virgil looked down. Roman gently pulled his face up.

"Because you got flustered. It was mostly my fault."

They both just stared at each other. Until Roman spoke up.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"W-what?" Virgil's eyes widened.

"Can I kiss you?" Roman asked again.

"I, uh, yes?"

Roman pulled Virgil by his waist and slowly kissed him passionately. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck and Roman's hands went to Virgil's waist. They pulled away slowly.

"I love you, Virgil," Roman whispered.

"I love you too..." Virgil muttered and smiled.

"You should smile more..."

"Not going to happen."

"At least I tried."

"You call that trying, Princey?"

"Whatever, emo nightmare."

"Whatever, dork."

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