For An Emo's Protection

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Requested by Rebel_Fangirl12

Virgil was in the kitchen. He put some bread in the toaster and looked at the fork on the counter. He picked it up and looked at the toaster. He wondered what would happen if he put it in the toaster. He slowly guided the fork to the toaster, but then someone pushed him against the other counter. He looked up and saw Roman.

"Virgil! What on Earth were you thinking!?" Roman yelled. Virgil looked at him.

"I... don't know," Virgil muttered.

"Well, please don't do that ever again, alright?"

Virgil nodded and Roman watched him make his sandwich he was originally making.


All week, Virgil has been getting into more trouble than Roman has. He almost fell down the stairs; Roman was there to save him. He almost broke his ankle while doing his battle routine; Roman saved him from that one too. He fell off a ladder; only to be saved by Roman. He even almost choked on something; then saved by Roman again.

Roman and the others have had enough of Virgil's close deaths, so they sat him on the couch.

"It's too early for this. Why am I here?" Virgil yawned.

"It's... twelve pm, kiddo," Patton said.

"Oh, is it? I haven't noticed... why am I here again?"

"Because of your behavior lately. It's almost like you want to die." Logan said.

"I hate to admit what has just been said, but Logan's right. Kiddo, tell us what's happening." Patton said.

Virgil stayed quiet and sighed. "I'm way too tired for this..."

Virgil got up and his feet immediately fell out from under him. Roman moved forward and caught Virgil in his arms. They were both on the ground. Roman was holding Virgil in his arms.

"Virgil? Are you really okay?" Roman asked and pulled Virgil up to his chest.

"N-no... Roman, I'm sleep-deprived and I hate it... please help me." Virgil cried and held onto Roman.

Roman had never seen Virgil so desperate for some help. He softly smiled and held him closer.

"Of course."


Roman carried Virgil to his room and put him down on his bed. He pulled the covers over him and Virgil curled up into a ball. Then Virgil sat up and took his hoodie off. He threw it on Roman and laid back down and curled up again. Roman rolled his eyes and put his hoodie somewhere else. Roman looked at Virgil.

"...Looking at me like that won't make me fall asleep." Virgil muttered.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Is there a reason?" Roman asked. Virgil flushed.

"Well, mostly insomnia... and that I lost something that helps me sleep."

"What is it?"

"...A stuffed cat."

Roman's eyes widened. "You sleep... with a stuffed cat?"

"Shut up! I should've never told you, now you're gonna make fun of me..." Virgil rolled onto his side, facing away from Roman.

"No, I won't. I can sleep with you if you need to. I just want to help you sleep." Roman said.

"Sleeping with me... could help," Virgil muttered. Roman smiled.

"Alright then. Scoot over."

Virgil scooted over and Roman lied down next to Virgil. Virgil turned to Roman and cuddled closer to him.

"This helps me sleep," Virgil said quickly.

"Of course," Roman smirked and wrapped his arms around Virgil. Virgil's face grew red; he didn't say anything else and just closed his eyes.

567 words

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