Clumsiness Gets You Hurt Pt. 2

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Roman rose up in his room with Virgil still in his arms. He lied him down on his bed.

"Stay there, I will get the ice," Roman instructed and left the room.

"Ugh, he can't expect me to stay here like this..." Virgil said. Then he yawned. "Man... I'm really tired... this is a comfortable bed. More comfortable than mine. A little nap wouldn't hurt..."

Virgil closed his eyes and fell asleep. Roman came back with the ice and looked at Virgil. He smiled.

"Huh... you really know how to make me smile, my emo nightmare," Roman said. He sat down next to Virgil and hesitantly kissed his forehead. "He's not awake, so he wouldn't mind."

"Mm... Roman..." Virgil muttered in his sleep. Roman watched as Virgil twitched and moved around.

'A nightmare?' Roman thought. Then Virgil started to sweat and tears fell down his face. "Ah, Virgil! Wake up!"

Virgil gasped and sat up. He breathed heavily and saw Roman. He hugged him tightly.


"I'm so sorry, Roman..." Virgil said quietly.

"For what?" Roman asked.

"I h-had a nightmare that y-you d-died because of my c-clumsiness." Virgil cried.

"Virgil... you don't have to be sorry for that." Roman tilted Virgil's head up. "You can't entirely control nightmares, no one can. It wasn't your fault. And look, I'm still okay."

Virgil looked up at Roman with tears in his eyes. "I l-love you, Roman."

Roman smiled. "I love you too, my emo nightmare..."

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