Clumsiness Gets You Hurt Pt. 1

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Virgil was on his phone, walking down the stairs. He didn't know that his shoelaces were untied and he tripped on his own shoelace.

"W-woah-!" Virgil put his left arm in front of his face to stop him from hurting himself too badly. Then he landed on something soft. He opened his eyes and looked at what he landed on.

It was Roman. Oh boy...

"Ow..." Roman groaned. Virgil gasped.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Virgil panicked.

"I'm fine... are you okay?"

"My ankle hurts, but I'll be fine..."

They both slowly got up. When Virgil got up, he fell into Roman's chest. His ankle felt like it was in agonizing pain.

"Um..." Roman muttered.

"Oh, sorry." Virgil got off his chest. When he put his weight on his right ankle, it hurt. "Ow!"

"Are you okay?"

"My ankle... it's more than hurting. I think I sprained it." Virgil said.

"Let me take care of you," Roman said.

"N-no! I can take care of myself, I swear."

"Are you sure?"


Then Roman looked at him like he was thinking something. Then he picked Virgil up bridal-style.


"Clumsiness gets you hurt, I'm taking care of you." Roman promptly said and sunk down with Virgil in his arms.

There will be a part 2...

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