It's Not All Roses ~Full Book~

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Roman does everything without context. Everyone knows that. So when he has f***ed himself up so hard, he has to try to make things right.

Keyword: Try.

It usually takes until the person has forgotten what Roman had done. Then Roman is off the hook. Until the person then remembers it again.

But Virgil never forgets what Roman has done. To him, especially.

Roman has f***ed himself up again. By saying something idiotically like he always does. And it just so happened to be a comment aimed at Virgil. After the comment was said, Virgil sunk down and appeared in his room.

He locked the door, of course.

Now the royal idiot has to make things right. How will that go, you ask?

Horribly... but funny.


"Oh, C'mon! Just tell me what I did wrong!" Roman said as he was following Virgil around. Virgil was ignoring him. Roman had no clue of what he did.

Then Virgil stopped, making Roman almost bump into him. Virgil turned to Roman.

"You really have no idea of what you did?" Virgil asked angrily. Roman shook his head. "You're a real idiot, aren't you? You have to figure out what you did wrong by yourself!"

Virgil stormed off, leaving Roman to think of what he did. Maybe he could make it up to Virgil somehow.

Roman got an idea.


Roman decided he would just give Virgil roses until, maybe, Virgil forgot about the whole thing.

The prince wrapped one rose in a purple bow. He wanted it to look presentable. He finished tying it and walked down the hall and to Virgil's room. He knocked on the door and waited. Virgil opened it and sighed upon seeing Roman.

"What do you want?" Virgil asked, annoyed.

"Well, I have come here to give you something, but if you don't want it..."

"Just give me it."

"Alright," Roman said and revealed the rose.


"What the hell is this for?" Virgil asked finally.

"Look, I have no idea what I have done wrong. So, I'm giving you this to try to make it up to you." Roman explained.

"Oh my god, you're so dense." Virgil angrily said and slammed the door shut.

"Me? Dense? Never." Roman put tape on the rose and taped it to the door. "Hah, I'm not dense. He's the one making this difficult."

Roman walked off to his room.


Virgil opened his door and saw the rose. His eye twitched. He took the rose down and burned it in his hand with his magic.

'Ugh! If only he knew...'


All week, Roman has been taping roses to Virgil's door. Virgil has burned them all.

Virgil opened his door and saw a rose. He groaned loudly, took the rose down, and burned it.

'That's it! If that moron has no clue of what he did, then I'll remind him!' Virgil yelled in his head.

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