Valentine's Day

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Warnings: Remus being Remus.

Virgil was in his room, doing nothing. It was currently nighttime on Valentine's Day.

"Oh, mi amorrreeeeee!~" Roman sang. Virgil got up and opened the door, revealing a brightly-smiling Roman.

"What is it, Roman?" Virgil asked.

"I have a surprise for youuuuu!~" Roman said. "It's in the garden."

"Alright." Virgil stepped outside his room. Roman covered Virgil's eyes. "Ah, Roman! What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I'll lead you to the garden."

"I- okay..." Virgil muttered.


"Here we are!" Roman uncovered Virgil's eyes and Virgil was in awe.

The whole entire garden was covered in decorations. Mostly pink, red, and white. Heart-shaped balloons were floating around, cut-out hearts were strung up across the garden walls and bushes, light pink lights were hanging up, and the canopy had a table with a pink cloth covering it.

Roman took Virgil by the hand and led him to the table. Roman pulled the seat out and Virgil sat down in it. Roman took the seat across from Virgil.

"So... what do you think?" Roman asked.

Virgil smiled a bit. "I love it."

"Great! Cause there's more!" Roman clapped his hands and Patton and Logan were summoned. Patton had a bright smile on his face while Logan looked (dead inside) unamused. "Ahem, bring out the food."

Patton nodded and sunk down.

"Logan, can you get the wine?" Roman asked.

Logan sighed and sunk down.

A few moments later, they both rose up and Patton placed food on the plates and served them on the table. Logan popped open the wine and poured it elegantly into the wine glasses.

"Anything else, Roman?" They asked.

"That'll be all," Roman said. "Deceit!"

Deceit rose up in a black and yellow tux along with a violin. "Yes?"

"Play music for us," Roman said.

"Fine..." Deceit slowly guided the bow along the violin's strings.

"Remus!" Roman called. Remus appeared next to the table.

"Yes, brother of mine?" Remus asked leaning on his mace.

"You like carving, right?" Roman asked.


"Can you carve our names into that tree along inside of a heart?"

"Whatever you say." Remus summoned a carving knife and ran over to the tree.

Roman looked at Virgil. "So?"

"I... cannot believe you got all of this prepared in one day..." Virgil muttered.

"Who said I prepared this all in a day? The food we actually did prepare today, but I planned this whole entire thing for a few weeks." Roman said.

"I love it. And I love you." Virgil said.

"I love you too." Roman took a bite of food. "I also planned dancing for later."

"Roman, you know I can't dance."

"I can teach you. Don't worry, mi amore." Roman smiled. Roman stared into Virgil's eyes. "Your eyes shine brighter than the stars."

Virgil blushed. "Whatever, dork."

"Whale penis!" Remus yelled from where he was carving.

Deceit stopped playing the violin and laughed a bit, making Roman and Virgil laugh.

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