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Virgil was walking down the hallway, minding his own business. Then he felt the instinct to sneeze. He saw Roman walking down the opposite side of the hall.

'Oh no, please not in front of him!' Virgil panicked. But that made it worse as Roman passed Virgil.

He sneezed. Like a kitten.

He heard Roman stop.

"What was that?" He asked.

"A sneeze..." Virgil muttered.

"Oh my god, you have such an adorable sneeze!"

Virgil blushed and turned to look at him.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. You sound like a kitten." Roman awed. "I should tell Patton."

"Oh no, you don't!" Virgil pounced on him. "Don't you dare tell him."

"Why not, emo nightmare?" Roman asked as he struggled to get Virgil off him.

"Because it's embarrassing!"

"Hm... perhaps we can make a deal..."

"I'm listening..." Virgil slid off him. Roman looked at him.

"I won't tell anyone about your adorable sneeze... if... you go on a date with me?"

"A d-date?"

"Yes, a date. What do you say?" Roman asked.

"One date... right?"

"Sure." Roman stuck his hand out.

"Deal." Virgil shook his hand.

Part 2?

191 words

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