Dancing In The Rain

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It was raining and Virgil was excited to go out. He stopped at the door and thought for a moment. Then he smiled and ran all the way to Roman's room. He knocked on the door and Roman opened it with a smile.

"Greetings, mi amore. What are you doing here?" Roman asked.

"Dance in the rain with me," Virgil said and grabbed Roman's hand.

"What? But you usually-"

"I want you to come outside with meeee!" Virgil whined and pulled Roman.

"Okay, okay. Let's go."

Virgil smiled brightly and pulled Roman along.


Once they were outside, Virgil looked up and let the rain hit his face. He felt arms wrap around his waist. He and Roman swayed a bit and Virgil turned around to face Roman. He wrapped his arms around Roman's neck.

They started dancing a bit and didn't care if they would catch colds the next day.

As long as they had each other, it was going to be okay...

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