Chapter 1

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I just moved to LA with my best friend Jamie. We are 18 years old and just got out of highschool. I'm really excited to live in California, that mean beach, palms trees, and obviously hot guys.

Jamie and I decided to get unpacked and go to the beach. We live in a tiny two bedroom apartment as close to the beach as possible. We live next to other apartments, but it's more like a neighborhood of apartments so it's a little more private, but not to private.

I was finishing our tiny little kitchen. Jamie comes down the stairs. "Okay I got my room done, is the kitchen done?"

She asks. "Yeah, I'm going to put a few things away in my room and then get ready." Jamie nodded as she was already ready, with her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail with her sunglasses on top of her head, with a white tanktop and booty shorts.

I run down the hall and finishing unpacking my clothes. Then I hear Jamie yell.

"Hurry up Lizzie! I want to meet hot boys!"

I chuckled. I pulled my red hair back into a messy bun, with my black and white sunglasses, and throw on my green and white bikini with a black cut off that says 'Life is better at the beach' with some short denim shorts.

I take out a bag and pack sunscreen, towels, with my phone. I run down the hallway to see Jamie waiting at the door.

"Finally!" She said. "Oh hush. Let's just go." She smirked as we went out the door. 1 hour & 15 minutes later we were at the Santa Monica pier.

"It's a beautiful day out." I say. We look down at the beach and I get excited. All of a sudden Jamie hits my arm and says. "Man candy over my right shoulder."

I turn around to find 4 guys walking down the ramp. One of them was tall with brown hair and stunning blue eyes, another had also brown hair and just a little shorter than the first one and had a fisherman's hat on.

The last one was had brown hair also and was the shortest of them all but not to short. He had caramel tan skin, with red, white, and blue swim shorts on and no shirt.

"Holy hell." I say. "Who the hell are those guys?" "I know exactly who they are." Jamie says in excitement.

"The blues eyes is Nash Grier, the fisherman's hat one is Matthew Espinosa, and the one is front is Cameron Dallas." I couldn't keep my eyes off of Cameron. "He's so cute." I thought I whispered under my breath. But Jamie herd me. "Which one?"

"Huh?" "Which one do you think is cute?" "Oh...Um Cameron." "He is a hotty, I like Matt. We should go introduce ourselves."

I look at her and look at the boys. "Alright let's go." We walk over causal, with me not trying to look at Cameron like a creepy stalker. We got a few inches behind them and all of a sudden Jamie shoved me into Nash and I dropped my bag.

"Whoa." He said as all three of the guys turned around. I glare at Jamie. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." As I say as I went down to pick up my things. Nash followed down and so did Cameron, Matt got pulled aside by Jamie. "It's alright." He said, and smiled.

"Looks like you guys are heading to the beach." Cameron said. "Uh yeah just to experience the ocean water for the first time."

"New to California?" Nash asked.


"Well we should all hang out at the beach." Cameron suggested.

"Okay cool. That sounds fun." I smiled and he smiled back. "Hey Matt we are going to hang with them today. Is that alright?" Nash shouted.

"Yeah awesome!" Matt said. Cameron kept looking at me, he started walking and waved me to follow. We walked and talked as we made it down to the beach.

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